
vineri, 26 octombrie 2012

Gnocchi cu creveti si sos de vin alb

 Daca v-ati saturat de clasicele paste si sunteti totusi fideli bucatariei italiene va propun o noua reteta de gnocchi. Daca nu aveti timp sau chef sa ii faceti in casa puteti sa cumparati gnocchi dar numai produsul proaspat din frigider, nimic din raft!!! Sosul este gata in 8 minute!!

Gnocchi cu creveti si sos de vin alb


- 6 cartofi;
- 2 cani de faina;
- 2 galbenusuri de ou;
- 400 g creveti proaspeti;
- 1 cutie smantana dulce;
- 50 ml ulei de masline;
- 50 ml vin alb;
- 5 catei de usturoi;
- 6 frunze de busuioc;
- piper;
- sare;

Incepem cu partea mai grea a retetei, si anume gnocchi, fierbem cartofii in coaja, cat sunt inca calzi ii curatam si ii dam pe razatoarea mare, incorporam faina, galbenusurile de ou(batute in prealabil) si o lingurita de sare. Framantam incet cu mana( nu folosim mixer sau alte ustensile!!!). Facem cateva role din coca si taiem la o dimesiune de 3-4 cm.
 Punem apa la fiert.
Ne ocupam acum de sos, intr-o cratita punem la incins uleiul de masline si adaugam usturoiul, cand acesta devine auriu adaugam crevetii, asezonam cu sare si piper, dupa 2 minute adaugam vinul alb si lasam cateva minute sa se evapore alcolul. Adaugam busuiocul si smantana dulce. Asezonam din nou daca este nevoie.
 Cand apa clocoteste punem gnocci la fiert si ii lasam pana ce ies la suprafata, cam 2-3 minute. Se scot direct pe farfurii si peste ei se pune sosul si de final putin parmezan Pofta buna!

If you're tired of pasta I propose a new gnocchi recipe. If you do not have time or mood to make them at home you can buy fresh gnocchi but only the product from the refrigerator! The sauce is ready in 8 minutes!!

Gnocchi with shrimp and white wine sauce


- 6 potatoes;
- 2 cups flour;
- 2 egg yolks;
- 400 g fresh prawns;
- 1 carton heavy cream;
- 50 ml olive oil;
- 50 ml white wine;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 6 basil leaves;
- Pepper;
- Salt;

We start with the worst of the recipe, namely gnocchi, we boil the potatoes in their skins, while they are still worm we clean them and grate , incorporate the flour, egg yolks (beaten beforehand) and a teaspoon of salt. Knead gently by hand (do not use mixer or other tools!). Make some rolls of dough and cut at 3-4 cm dimes.
Put water to boil.
We deal now sauce in a saucepan put the hot olive oil and add garlic, when it becomes golden add the shrimp, season with salt and pepper after 2 minutes add the white wine and let evaporate few minutes the alcohol. Add basil and heavy cream. Season again if necessary.
  When water boils put gnocchi to boil and let them until they surface, about 2-3 minutes. Remove to the plate and put the sauce over. Put some parmesan cheese. Bon Apettit!

luni, 15 octombrie 2012

Varza a la Cluj

Multa lume zice ca, "varza a la Cluj", este reteta de sarmale ale celor lenesi care nu au chef sa infasoare la sarmalute. Eu zic ca este pentru cei ca mine care de fiecare data cand manaca sarmale aduna varza de la toata lumea aflata la masa!!! Soacra mea mereu cand face sarmale mai toaca niste varza in plus si o pune peste sarmale pentru "Ella"! Dar haideti sa facem "varza a la Cluj" si sa ne pronuntam dupa, nu?

Varza a la Cluj

- 600g pulpa de porc tocata;
- 150g orez bob rotund;
- 2 buc varza murata;
- o ceapa;
- 1/2 ardei rosu tocat foarte marunt;
- o lingura pasta de tomate;
- 300 ml smantana;
- cimbru;
- sare;
- piper;
- foaie de dafin;
- 100 ml ulei de floarea soarelui;

Tocam varza foarte fin, la fel si ceapa si ardeiul.Intr-o cratita punem la incins 50 ml de ulei si adaugam ceapa, dupa 2-3 minute punem ardeiul apoi varza. Adaugam o cana de apa si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic. Amestecam din cand in cand. Mai adaugam apa daca este nevoie. Asezonam cu piper si cimbru(sare nu punem deoarece varza murata este suficient de sarata. Fierbem pana ce varza s-a inmuiat. Spre final adaugam o lingura de pasta de tomate.
Fierbem orezul timp de 10 minute in apa putin sarata.
Intr-o alta cratita punem 50 ml ulei la incins si adaugam carnea de porc tocata, asezonam cu sare, piper si cimbru. cand este aproape gata adaugam orezul bine scurs si omogenizam.
Montam varza a la Cluj intr-un vas de ceramica(daca nu aveti atunci int-o cratita nonstick care poate fi folosita la cuptor. Ungem vasul cu untura de porc(sau ulei) si punem un strat de 2 cm de varza, un strat de carne, un strat de smatana, apoi din nou un strat de varza, si inca putina smantana la final.
Decorati cu felii de rosii proaspete si cimbru! Serviti cu smantana si mamaliga sau paine de casa!
Pofta buna!!

Many people say, "Cabbage a la Cluj" is for those lazy to make cabbage rolls, those whom are not in the mood to wrap the stuffed cabbage leaves. I say it is for people like me who like more cabbage than the stuffing from the stuffed cabbage. My mother always make chop some extra cabbage and put over  the stuff cabbage for "Ella"! But let's do "Cabbage a la Cluj"!

Cabbage a la Cluj

- 600g minced pork leg;

- 150g round grain rice;

- 2 pcs sauer cabbage;

- An onion;

- 1/2 red pepper finely;

- One tablespoon tomato paste;

- 300 ml sour cream;

- Thyme;

- Salt;

- Pepper;

- Bay leaf;

- 100 ml sunflower oil;

Cut the cabbage very fine, as well as onions and put in a saucepan pepper. Put 50 ml hot oil and add onion, pepper and then after 2-3 minutes put cabbage. Add a cup of water and let it simmer on low heat. Stir occasionally. Add more water if needed. Season with pepper and thyme (because we do not salt sauer cabbage is salty enough. Simmer until the cabbage has softened. Towards the end add a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Boil rice for 10 minutes in water salty.

In another pan put oil 50 ml to hot and add minced pork, seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. it is almost ready add the rice and mix well drained.

Cabbage a la Cluj mount a ceramic bowl (if you do not then  put in a nonstick pan that can be used in the oven. Brush dish with pork lard (or oil) and put a 2 cm layer of cabbage, a layer meat, a layer of sour cream, then again a layer of cabbage, and still a little cream at the end.

Garnish with slices of fresh tomato and thyme! Serve with polenta and sour cream and homemade bread!

Bon appetite!

joi, 11 octombrie 2012

Briosa "Capuccino" cu fulgi de ciocolata

Briose "Capuccino" cu fulgi de ciocolata


- 2 cani de faina;
- o cana de lapte;
- 3/4 cana de zahar;
- 30g cafea solubila(ness);
- 60g unt topit;
- 1 praf de copt;
- 1/2 lingurita de scortisoara;
- 1 ou;
- 50 g chips-uri de ciocolata(sau ciocolata amaruie taiata marunt);
- 1 varf de sare;
- 1/2 lingurita de esenta de vanilie;

Amestecati ingredientele solide( zahar, faina, praf de copt, scortisoara, sare) intr-un bol mai mare si cele lichide( ou, lapte amestecat cu cafeaua solubila, 60 g unt topit, esenta de vanilie) intr-un bol mai mic. Cand s-au omogenizat bine punem ingredientele lichide peste cele solide amestecand cu grija.
Pregatim formele pentru briose si punem cu ajutorul unei linguri 2/3 compozitie in forma pentru a avea loc sa creasca.
Preincalzim cuptorul la 180 grade celsius si introducem tava timp de 20 de minute, dupa  aceasta faceti testul scobitoarei si daca aceasta iese curata sunt gata!
Serviti cu cafea sau lapte!
Pofta buna!

Muffins "Capuccino" with chocolate chips


- 2 cups flour;
- A cup of milk;
- 3/4 cup sugar;
- 30g coffee powder (instant coffee);
- 60g melted butter;
- 1 baking powder;
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon;
- 1 egg;
- 50 g chocolate chips (or chopped dark chocolate);
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla;

Mix dry ingredients (sugar, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt) in a bowl bigger and the liquid (egg, milk mixed with coffee powder, 60 g butter, vanilla) in a bowl below. When we were well mixed over the sound mixing liquid ingredients carefully.
We prepare forms for muffins and using a spoon 2/3 composition in the shape to let place to grow.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and insert tray for 20 minutes, after that do the toothpick test and if it comes out clean they are ready!
Serve with coffee or milk!
Bon appetite!

Fasole cu ciolan afumat si tarhon

Nu vreau sa reiventez nimic, vreau doar sa va spun varianta mea de, fasole cu ciolan, un "fusion" de retete moldoveneasca si ardeleneasca cu rezultat pe masura! Dar haideti sa nu mai pierdem timpul cu vorbaria si sa trecem la gatit!!

Fasole cu ciolan afumat si tarhon


- 1 ciolan afumat;
- 500 g fasole uscata;
- 2 morcovi;
- 2 cepe;
- 1 ardei;
- 50 ml ulei de floarea soarelui;
- 2 linguri de pasta de tomate;
- 1/2 legatura de tarhon;
- patrunjel;
- sare;
- piper;

In primul rand puneti fasolea in suficienta apa si lasati sa se inmoaie peste noapte(minim 12 ore).
Puneti fasolea la fiert intr-o oala sub presiune (dar nu puneti inca capacul), schimbati apa de trei ori(aveti grija ca de fiecare data cand inlocuiti apa sa fie fierbinte). In ultima apa puneti o ceapa si un morcov, sare si piper si puneti capacul. Fierbeti 20 minute si verificati!
Intr-o alta oala subpresiune puneti ciolanul la fiert impreuna cu sare si boabe de piper. Fierbeti o ora!
Cand toate ingredientele sunt pregatite incepem mancarea propriuzisa.
Radem morcovul pe razatoarea mica, tocam ceapa si ardeiul marunt le punem la calit in 50 ml de ulei. Cand acestea s-au calit adaugam 3-4 cani de supa in care a fiert ciolanul mai fierbem cateva minute si apoi adaugam fasolea scursa in prealabil. Asezonam cu sare, piper si tarhon si adaugam ciolanul dezosat. La final punem pasta de tomate, si mai fierbem 5 minute. Introducem cratita in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade pentru 15-20 minute.
Serviti in paine de casa(sau pave) cu patrunjel proaspat presarat deasupra! Pofta buna!

 I just want to tell you my version of, beans with pork, a "fusion" of Moldavian and Transylvanian recipes, and the result is ... you judge! But let's not waste time with twaddle and get cooking!

Beans with smoked pig leg and tarragon


- 1 smoked knuckle;
- 500 g dried beans;
- 2 carrots;
- 2 onions;
- 1 pepper;
- 50 ml sunflower oil;
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
- 1/2 bunch tarragon;
- Parsley;
- Salt;
- Pepper;

First put the beans in enough water and let it soak overnight (minimum 12 hours).
Put the cooked beans in a pressure cooker (but not yet put the lid), change the water three times (make sure that every time you replace the water is hot). The last water put an onion and a carrot, salt and pepper and put the lid. Boil 20 minutes and check!
In another pot put underpressure knuckle to boil with salt and pepper. Boil one hour!
When all the ingredients are ready start the cooking part.
Laugh grated carrot on small chop onions and peppers put them to cook in 50 ml of oil. When they were hardened add 3-4 cups of broth that has boiled knuckle simmer a few minutes and then add the drained beans in advance. Season with salt, pepper and tarragon and add boneless knuckle. Finally put tomato paste and simmer 5 minutes. We introduce the pan in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
Serve in homemade bread (or pave) with fresh parsley sprinkled on top! Bon appetite!

marți, 9 octombrie 2012

Coaste de porc la gratar

 Cui nu-i plac coastele de porc la gratar, mai ales daca sunt marinate in prealabil si bine perpelite la jar! Va zic eu ca chiar si cei mai pretentiosi si sofisticati dintre voi ar manca niste coaste bine facute!! Ce mai haideti sa facem niste, coaste de porc la gratar!

Coaste de porc la gratar


- coaste de porc tanar;
- 1 lingurita mustar frantuzesc;
- 2 linguri sos de soia;
- sare;
- piper;
- cimbru;
- 2 catei de usturoi;

Amestecati toate ingredientele: mustar, soia, sare, piper, usturoi si cimbru si frecati bine coastele cu marinata. Lasati la frigider cel putin 6 ore. Pregatiti jarul si puneti coastele la inceput cu partea de os in jos dupa care intorceti-le de cate ori este nevoie!
Serviti cu cartofi taranesti sau prajiti si castraveti murati!
Pofta buna!

Who does not like grilled pork ribs, especially if well marinated beforehand and fry on grill! I will say that even the most discerning and sophisticated of you would eat some ribs well done! Well let's make some, grilled pork ribs!

Pork ribs


- Young pork ribs;
- 1 teaspoon French mustard;
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
- Salt;
- Pepper;
- Thyme;
- 2 cloves of garlic;

Mix all ingredients: mustard, soy, salt, pepper, garlic and thyme and rub the ribs with the marinade well. Leave in the refrigerator at least 6 hours. Prepare coals and place the ribs bone down to began then turn around whenever you need!
Serve with potatoe fries and pickles!
Bon appetite!

luni, 8 octombrie 2012

Cotlete de porc cu ardei dulce acrisor

Desi nu sunt o iubitoare de carne de porc, din cand in cand mai fac si pe placul sotului meu! Si daca tot gatesc porc macar sa il fac delicios, nu? Din nou, o reteta usoara, simpla si foarte gustoasa!

Cotlet de porc cu ardei dulce acrisor


- cotlete de porc cu os;
- 3 ardei capia;
- o ceapa rosie mare;
- 11/2 lingurita de zahar brun;
- sare si piper;
- 3 linguri de otet de vin rosu;
- cimbru;
- 30g unt;
- 80 ml ulei de masline;
- 3-4 catei de usturoi;
- 3-4 fire de busuioc;

Asezonam carnea cu sare si piper si o crestam pe partea cu grasime pentru a nu se curba la caldura. Punem pe foc o tigaie nonstick si 40 ml de ulei de masline, cand s-a incins punem carnea si prajim 3-4 minute la foc mediu. Adaugam 2-3 fire de cimbru si 3-4 catei de usturoi in coaja zdrobiti cu latul cutitului. Intoarcem carnea si adaugam untul, cand acesta s-a topit il punem cu o lingura peste carne si mai lasam 3-4 minute.
Intre timp intr-un wok punem la incins 40 ml de ulei de masline unde sotam ceapa rosie si ardeiul taiat julien. Adaugam sare, piper, zaharul brun si otetul. Cand totul este gata adaugam busuiocul.
Asezam cotletele, care s-au odihnit 3-4 minute, peste ardeiul dulce acrisor! Pofta buna!

Although I am not a pork meat lover, from time to time I cook to please my husband! And I say if you cook pork make it delicious, right? Again, easy recipe and very tasty!

Pork chops with sweet and sour peppers


- Pork chops on the bone;
- 3 bell peppers;
- A large red onion;
- 11/2 tsp brown sugar;
- Salt and pepper;
- 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar;
- Thyme;
- 30g butter;
- 80 ml ​​olive oil;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- 3-4 stems of basil;

Season the meat with salt and pepper and an increase in the fat to avoid heat curve. Put to heat a nonstick pan and add 40 ml of olive oil, add meat and fry for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Add thyme and 3-4 leads in the shell crushed garlic cloves with the flat knife. 
Turn meat and add butter, when melt put it with a spoon over meat and fry 3-4 minutes.
Meanwhile in a wok put to hot the olive oil, 40 ml, red onion and peppers where stir. 
Add salt, pepper, brown sugar and vinegar. When everything is ready add the basil.
Place the chops, which rested 3-4 minutes, over sweet and sour peppers! Bon appetite!

joi, 4 octombrie 2012

Salau meuniere

Probabil ca toti am incercat sa facem "salau meuniere" cu legume gratinate, dar iata si reteta mea, inbunatatita, zic eu, fata de cea pe care o facea mama, voi decideti daca este asa!!!

Salau meuniere cu legume gratinate


- file de salau;
- faina;
- 2 oua;
- sare
- piper;
- cimbru;
- ulei de masline;
- ulei de floarea soarelui;
- 30ml lapte;

Se amesteca faina cu sare, piper si putin cimbru, se bat ouole bine si la sfarsit se adauga si doua linguri de lapte si se mai bat inca putin dupa care se asezoneasa cu sare si piper.
Se asezoneaza pestele cu sare si piper. Punem la incins intr-o tigaie nonabraziva ulei de masline amestecat cu ulei de foarea soarelui. Cand acesta este incins dar nu fumegand adaugam pestele trecut prin faina si prin ou. Prajiti poana ce devine auriu.
Serviti cu legume gratinate si vinegreta!
Pofta buna!

Perhaps all we have tried to "perch meuniere" with oven grilled vegetables, here is my recipe, better, I think, than the one my mom made​​, if so you decide!

Perch meuniere with oven grilled vegetables


- Perch fillet;
- Flour;
- 2 eggs;
- salt
- Pepper;
- Thyme;
- Olive oil;
- Sunflower oil;
- 30ml milk;

Mix flour with salt, pepper and a little thyme, beat the eggs well and finally add two tablespoons of milk and continue beating a little after that season with salt and pepper.

Season fish with salt and pepper. We nonabrasive heated in a pan with olive oil mixed all too sun. When it is hot but not smoking put fist in flour after in egg and again in flour and fry until it becomes golden.
Serve with oven cooked vegetables and vinaigrette!

Bon appetite!

miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012

Supa crema de brocoli

O supa foarte sanatoasa, un prinz delicios sau o cina usoara, gata in numai 15 minute si nu in ultimul rand foarte gustoasa! Supa de brocoli:

Supa crema de brocoli


- 1 bucata de brocoli;
- 2 cartofi;
- 1 ceapa;
- 1 litru de supa de legume;
- 2 catei de usturoi;
- 30 ml ulei de masline;
- 2 linguri de branza mascarpone;
- sare, piper si nucsoara;

Punem la calit ceapa si usturoiul in ulei de masline incins in prealabil. Adaugam cartofii si apoi supa de legume. Asezonam cu sare, piper si un varf de cutit de nucsoara. Fierbem 5 minute si adaugam buchetelele de brocoli. Mai fierbem 5 minute si blendam toata compozitia. Adaugam branza mascarpone si mai blendam 30 de secunde. Serviti cu crutoane si nuci sau fistic!

A very healthy soup, for lunch or a delicious light dinner ready in just 15 minutes and not last very tasty!

"Broccoli cream soup"


- 1 piece of broccoli;
- 2 potatoes;
- 1 onion;
- 1 liter of vegetable soup;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 30 ml olive oil;
- 2 tablespoons mascarpone cheese;
- Salt, pepper and nutmeg;

Put onion and garlic in hot olive. Then add potatoes and soup. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Cook 5 minutes, add the broccoli florets. Simmer 5 minutes and blend the whole composition. Add mascarpone cheese and more blend 30 seconds.
Serve with croutons and walnuts or pistachios!

luni, 1 octombrie 2012

Ton in crusta de mac

Desi tonul este un peste destul de scump merita uneori sa te rasfeti putin!! Daca nu va place macul puteti inlocui cu susan! Dar haideti sa preparam tonul in crusta!

Ton in crusta de mac

- ton, taiat felii de 3 cm;
- mac(sau susan);
- ulei de masline;
- vinegreta(lamaie, lime, ulei de masline, sare piper si ...putina apa);
- salata iceberg;

Asezonam tonul cu sare si piper, il ungem putin cu ulei de masline si il tapetam cu mac(din belsug), procedam ca si cu un snitel. Punem la incins 50 ml de ulei de masline la foc mediu. Punem la prajit tonul in uleiul incins dar nu fumegand. Prajim un minut pe fiecare parte si il scoatem pe un fund si il feliem. Nu va lasati tentati sa tineti mai mult de un minut daca este prea facut devine fad!
Serviti pe pat de salata iceberg cu sos vinegreta si garnitura de cartofi gratinati!
Pofta buna!

Although it is a rather expensive fish sometimes you deserve to treat yourself a little! If you do not like poppy you can replace it with sesame! But let's prepare the crust tone!

Tuna in poppy crust

- Tuna sliced ​​3 cm;
- Mac (or sesame);
- Olive oil;
- Vinaigrette (lemon, lime, olive oil, salt, pepper and a little water ...);
- Iceberg lettuce;

Season the tuna with salt and pepper, anoint him a little olive oil and dust it with poppy (in abundance), proceed as with a schnitzel. We heated 50 ml olive oil over medium heat. Fry the tuna in hot oil but not smoky. Fry one minute on each side and take it out and slice it. Do not get tempted to keep more than one minute if done becomes tasteless!
Serve on a bed of iceberg lettuce with vinaigrette sauce and potatoes au gratin!