Sunt foarte multe retete de souffle de ciocolata dar daca o vrei pe cea mai usoara, cu calorii putine si poate si cea mai delicioasa ... atunci urmati pasii intocmai:
Souffle de ciocolata
- 120 g ciocolata neagra 80% cacao;
- 3 oua,
- 1/4 lingurita de vanilie,
- un varf de sare;
- 3 linguri de zahar;
- 30g unt;
Topim ciocolata la abur impreuna cu 15g de unt (sau la microunde), separam ouale, batem albusurile cu putina sare si frecam bine galbenusurile cu zaharul si vanilia pana ce zaharul s-a topit. Amestecam galbenusurile cu ciocolata si incorporam cu grija albusurile.
Tapetam ramekinurile cu unt si punem compozitia in ele.
Incingem bine cuptorul, reducem la 180 de grade si introducem ramekinurile in cuptor timp de 15-18 minute!
Pudram cu cacao si servim dupa 5 minute cu inghetata de vanilie!
There are many recipes for chocolate souffle but if you want the easiest, low calorie and perhaps the most delicious ... then follow the steps exactly:
Chocolate Souffle
- 120 g dark chocolate 80% cocoa;
- 3 eggs,
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
- A pinch of salt;
- 3 tablespoons sugar;
- 30g butter;
Steam melt chocolate with 15g of butter (or microwave), separate the eggs, beat egg whites with salt and rub well yolks with sugar and vanilla until the sugar has melted. Mix the yolks with the chocolate and gently incorporate the egg whites.
Ramekinurile wallpaper with butter and put the mixture into them.
Preheat oven well, reduce to 180 degrees and enter ramekinurile in the oven for 15-18 minutes!
Cocoa powder and serve after 5 minutes with vanilla ice cream!