miercuri, 27 iunie 2012
Calamari cu sos de usturoi si ceapa verde
Am mancat acesti calamari extraodinari in Istanbul, de atunci am incercat sa-i regasesc fie in Spania, Italia, .. la noi ce sa mai zic.. si dupa incercari nenumarate si putin google translate din turca in romana iata ... calamarii perfecti!!! Incercati-i! "Calamari":
Calamari cu sos de usturoi
- 500g inele de calamar;
- 200g faina;
- 2 lingurite de bicarbonat de sodiu;
- 200 ml lapte;
- 200 ml iaurt grecesc;
- 3 linguri de maioneza;
- 3 catei de usturoi;
- un fir de ceapa verde;
- 300 ml ulei de palmier;
- sare si piper;
Puneti calamarii in lapte timp de 30-40 minute. Amestecati faina cu bicarbonatul. Puneti uleiul la incins, cand acesta este foarte incins puneti calamarii asezonati cu sare si piper, trecuti prin faina, prajiti-i pana ce devin aurii. Pentru sos amestecati usturoiul pisat cu maioneza si iaurtul grecesc si puneti firul de ceapa tocat foarte marunt.
Si gata ... Pofta buna!!
I ate extraordinary calamari in Istanbul, then attempt to be found in Spain, Italy .. in Romania what to say .. and after many attempts and a little google translate from Turkish to Romanian here ...the perfect calamari!!
Calamari with garlic sauce
- 500g squid rings;
- 200g flour;
- 2 teaspoons baking soda;
- 200 ml milk;
- 200 ml Greek yogurt;
- 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- A green onion;
- 300 ml palm oil;
Place calamari in milk for 30-40 minutes. Mix flour with baking soda. Put oil to hot, when very hot put past calamari that were already put in flour, fry until golden brown. For garlic sauce mixed with mayonnaise and Greek yogurt and put a wire onion finely chopped.
And ready ... Bon appetite!
marți, 26 iunie 2012
Tagliatelle cu sos pesto si peperonccini
O combinatie reusita, ... zic eu, intre pastele A.O.P. si pastele clasice pesto, incercati-o nu o sa regretati!
Tagliatelle cu sos pesto si peperonccini
- 400 g tagliatelle;
- 1 capatana de usturoi;
- 1 legatura de busuioc;
- 100 g parmezan;
- patrunjel'
- 1-3 peperoncinni;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
Puneti pastele la fiert in apa clocotita la care s-a adaugat sare. In recipientul de la blender puneti 1/2 capatana de usturoi, o legatura de busuioc, 50 g de parmezan razuit, 50 ml ulei de masline, sare si piper dupa gust(asezonati dupa ce ati pus parmezanul care este destul de sarat!) procesati pana ce devine o pasta.
Puneti la incins 50 ml ulei de masline, taiati restul de usturoi(1/2 capatana) feliute impreuna cu peperoncini, adaugati in uleiul incins, cand usturoiul devine auriu adaugati 2-3 linguri din sosul pesto. Adaudati pastele scurse bine. Decorati cu putin sos pesto patrunjel si parmezan fasii! Pofta buna!
A successful combination, ... I say, between pasta A.O.P. and classic pesto pasta, try it you will not regret!
Tagliatelle with pesto sauce and peperonccini
- 400 g tagliatelle;
- 1 clove garlic;
- 1 bunch basil;
- 100 g Parmesan cheese;
- Parsley '
- 1-3 peperoncini;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
Put pasta to boil in hot water were added salt. In container of blender put 1/2 clove garlic, a touch of basil, 50 g of grated parmesan cheese, 50 ml olive oil, salt and pepper (season after you put Parmesan, is quite salty!) Processed until it becomes a paste.
Put in hot 50 ml olive oil, cut the remaining garlic (half skull) with peperoncini slices, add to hot oil, when garlic is golden add 2-3 tablespoons of pesto. Mix withl drained pasta. Garnish with parsley pesto and parmesan! Bon appetite!
luni, 25 iunie 2012
Pancakes with fresh strawberries
Nu aveti cum sa nu iubiti acest mic dejun delicios si daca voi nu, atunci copii cu siguranta!
Clatite americane cu capsuni
- 1 cana de lapte;
- 1 cana de faina;
- 1 ou;
- un varf de sare;
- 30g unt;
- 1 zahar vanilat;
- praf de copt;
In primul rand topiti untul, mixati toate ingredientele pana ce aveti consistenta unui iaurt de baut. Incingeti bine o tigaie nonabraziva, puneti in mijloc o jumatate de polonic de aluat si lasati-l sa se formeze. In momentul cand apar bule de aer in coca intoarceti cu grija clatita(chiar daca pare nefacuta). Mai lasati 1 minut si verificati, daca este aurie este gata!!
Serviti cu: sos de ciocolata, miere, dulceata, piure de fructe proaspete sau fructe! Pofta buna!
There you can not help but love this delicious breakfast and if you do not, then the children are!
American "pancakes" with strawberries
- 1 cup milk;
- 1 cup flour;
- 1 egg;
- A pinch of salt;
- 30g butter;
- 1 vanilla sugar;
- Baking soda;
First melt the butter, mix all ingredients until you have the consistency of yogurt. Heat a nonabrasive pan, put in the middle half a ladle of batter and let it develop. By the time air bubbles in the dough carefully turn pancake (even if it seems not made). Leave a one minute and check, if gold is ready!
Serve with: chocolate sauce, honey, jam, fruit puree or fresh fruit! Bon appetite!
duminică, 10 iunie 2012
Home made gnocchi with four cheeses and pistachios
A fost o provocare, nu mai facusem niciodata gnocci in casa, dar am zis ... "why not" si este mult mai usor decat pare la prma vedere! "Gnocci":
Home made gnocchi with four cheeses and pistachios
- 6 cartofi;
- 2 cani de faina;
- 2 galbenusuri de ou;
- 100 g branza gorgonzola;
- 100 g danish blue cheese;
- 100g parmezan;
- 1 cutie smantana dulce;
- fistic;
- sare;
Incepem cu partea mai grea a retetei, si anume gnocchi, fierbem cartofii in coaja, cat sunt inca calzi ii curatam si ii dam pe razatoarea mare, incorporam faina, galbenusurile de ou(batute in prealabil) si o lingurita de sare. Framantam incet cu mana( nu folosim mixer sau alte ustensile!!!). Facem cateva role din coca si taiem la o dimesiune de 3-4 cm.
Punem apa la fiert cu putina sare. Intre timp radem pe razatoarea mare banza gorgonzola si danish blue si pe razatoarea mica parmezanul. Punem la incins o cratita si adaugam la inceput smantana dulce dupa care adaugam branzele si le lasam sa se formeze un sos omogen. La sfarsit adaugam fisticul pisat cu o sticla. Cand apa clocoteste punem gnocci la fiert si ii lasam pana ce ies la suprafata. Se scot direct pe farfurii si peste ei se pune sosul si de final putin parmezan Pofta buna!
It was a challenge, I never done home made gnocci, but I said ... "why not" and is much easier than it looks like!
Home made gnocchi with four cheeses and pistachios
- 6 potatoes;
- 2 cups flour;
- 2 egg yolks;
- 100 g gorgonzola cheese;
- 100 g Danish blue cheese;
- 100g parmesan;
- 1 can of cream;
- Pistachios;
- Salt;
We start with the hardest part of the recipe, the gnocchi, boil the potatoes in the skin, clean them while they are still warm and give him the grated, incorporatethe flour, egg yolks (beaten in advance) and a teaspoon of salt. Knead gently by hand (do not use mixer or other tools!). Make a few rolls of dough and cut to 3-4 cm dimes.
Put water to boil with salt. Meanwhile laugh on grated gorgonzola and Danishblue and small grated Parmesan cheese. Heat a saucepan and add the heavy cream and then start adding the cheeses and let them form a homogeneous sauce. Finally add the crushed pistachios. When water boils, boil gnocci and leave them until they surface. Remove on plates and put sauce over, and for finish some parmesan. Enjoy!
Home made gnocchi with four cheeses and pistachios
- 6 potatoes;
- 2 cups flour;
- 2 egg yolks;
- 100 g gorgonzola cheese;
- 100 g Danish blue cheese;
- 100g parmesan;
- 1 can of cream;
- Pistachios;
- Salt;
We start with the hardest part of the recipe, the gnocchi, boil the potatoes in the skin, clean them while they are still warm and give him the grated, incorporatethe flour, egg yolks (beaten in advance) and a teaspoon of salt. Knead gently by hand (do not use mixer or other tools!). Make a few rolls of dough and cut to 3-4 cm dimes.
Put water to boil with salt. Meanwhile laugh on grated gorgonzola and Danishblue and small grated Parmesan cheese. Heat a saucepan and add the heavy cream and then start adding the cheeses and let them form a homogeneous sauce. Finally add the crushed pistachios. When water boils, boil gnocci and leave them until they surface. Remove on plates and put sauce over, and for finish some parmesan. Enjoy!
vineri, 8 iunie 2012
Tagliatelle pomodori
Se apropie perioada de concedii, a venit in sfarsit vara si incepem sa mancam mai light, mai disociat dar totusi foarte delicios. Pastele pomodori sunt bune numai vara cand avem rosii de gradina, incercati-le si va veti covinge!
"Tagliatelle pomodori"
- 300 g tagliatelle;
- 1kg rosii de gradina;
- busuioc;
- rucola;
- parmezan;
- ansoa sau creveti;
- rosii uscate;
- peperoncini;
- ulei de masline;
- o capatana de usturoi;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
Incepem prin a decoji rosiile si a le da pe razatoarea mare. Curatam usturoiul si il taiem feliute. Punem la incins uleiul de masline, cam 50 ml, adaugam usturoiul. Cand acesta devine auriu adaugam rosiile, lasam la fiert si amestecam din cand in cand. Asezonam cu sare si piper si adaugam busuiocul si peperoncini. Punem pastele la fiert. pregatim celelalte ingedinte necesare la montatul farfuriei: parmezan, rosii uscate si ansoa sau creveti. Cand pastele s-au fiert le amestecam cu sosul.
Plating: asezam pastele in bol, punem o mana de rucola, parmezanul, rosiile uscate si ansoa. Pofta buna!
Summer holiday is near, summer finally came and we have to start eating lighter, but still very delicious. Pomodori pasta are good only when we have summer garden tomatoes, try them and you will say I was write!
Tagliatelle pomodori
- 300 g tagliatelle;
- 1kg tomato;
- Basil;
- Arugula;
- Parmesan cheese;
- Anchovies or shrimp;
- Dried tomatoes;
- Peperoncini;
- Olive oil;
- A head of garlic;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
Begin by peeling the tomatoes and cut finely. Clean garlic and cut it into slices. Put the olive oil to heat, about 50 ml, and add garlic. When it is golden add tomatoes, leave to boil and stir occasionally. Season with salt and pepper and add the basil and peperoncini. Put pasta to boil. Prepare the other necessary ingredients for the dish: parmesan, dried tomatoes and anchovies or shrimp. When pasta has been cooked mix with the sauce.
Plating:put pasta in the bowl, put a handful of arugula, parmesan, dried tomatoes and anchovies. Bon appetite!
easy pasta,
fast pasta,
pasta with tomato sauce,
paste usoare,
paste vegetariene,
reteta de paste,
tagliatelle con pomodori,
vegetarian pasta
joi, 7 iunie 2012
Salata Nicoise cu file de ton
O reteta "french cusine" sofisticata, light si placuta ochilor, este foarte buna pentru o cina de vara!
"Salata Nicoise" cu file de ton
- file de ton;
- cartofi rosii de dimensiuni mici;
- rosii cherry;
- busuioc;
- fasole verde;
- file de anchoa;
- ceapa rosie;
- masline negre;
- salata iceberg;
- ou;
- ulei de masline,
- lamaie;
- sare de mare;
- piper;
- otet balsamic;
Incepem prin pregatirea ingredientelor, fierbem cartofii fie intregi fie taiati in doua, fierbem de asemeni si fasolea verde. Rosiile cherry le taiem in doua si le punem intr-un bol cu busuioc si ulei de masline. Taiem ceapa rondele. Fierbem oul timp de 3 minute. Taiem salata iceberg. Facem vinegreta din zeama de lamaie, ulei de masline, sare piper, o lingura de maioneza si 2-3 linguri de apa.
Montam salata astfel : pregatim un pat de salata iceberg pe care il stopim cu vinegreta, in jurul salatei punem pe rand, cartofii, fasolea verde, ceapa, maslinele, rosiile cherry, anchoa si oul, cand este totul pregatit ne apucam de ton. Intr-o tigaie punem putin ulei de masline la incins, asezonam tonul cu sare si piper si il punem in tigaie, un minut pe o parte dupa care il intoarcem pe cealalta parte si il stopim cu putin otet balsamic si lasam de asemeni un minut pe cealalta parte.. Il scoatem pe un tocator si il taiem in doua dupa care il asezam peste patul de salata. Stopim cu vivegreta! Pofta buna
A recipe "french cusine" sophisticated, light and pleasant eyes, is very good for a summer dinner!
Nicoise salad with tuna fillet
- Fillet of tuna;
- Small red potatoes;
- Cherry tomatoes;
- Basil;
- Green beans;
- Anchoa fillet;
- Red onion;
- Black olives;
- Iceberg lettuce;
- Egg;
- Olive oil
- Lemon;
- Sea salt;
- Pepper;
- Balsamic vinegar;
We begin by preparing ingredients, boil the potatoes whole or cut in half, and also boil the beans. Cherry tomatoes, cut them in half and put them in a bowl with basil and olive oil. Cut onion rings. Boil egg for 3 minutes. Cut iceberg lettuce. Make vinaigrette of lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and 2-3 tablespoons of water.
Assemble the salad as follows: prepare a bed of iceberg lettuce add vinaigrette around the salad put in place, potatoes, green beans, onions, olives, cherry tomatoes, egg and anchoa, when finish all, start the tuna. In a pan put a little olive oil to hot, seasoned tuna with salt and pepper and put it in the pan, one minute on one side then turn it over put a little balsamic vinegar and let also a minute on the other side. Take out on a cutting board and cut it in two and then place it over the bed of lettuce. Add vinaigrette!
sâmbătă, 2 iunie 2012
"Tiramisu" - reteta clasica
- 1 kg branza mascarpone;
- 5 oua;
- 6 linguri de zahar;
- vanilie;
- cafea cu amareto;
- cacao
- piscoturi - savoiardi(2 pungi mari);
In doua boluri separam albusul de galbenus, galbenusul impreuna cu zaharul il frecam pana se topeste zaharul(preferabil cu mixerul), adaugam putina vanilie si incorporam cu grija mai intai branza mascarpone si apoi jumatate din cantitatea de albus batut spuma(ca pentru bezea insa fara zahar).
Intr-un bol punem cafeaua cu putin amareto, introducem pentru cateva secunde piscotul in cafea si facem un strat de piscoturi insiropate apoi un strat de crema din nou un strat de piscoturi si deasupra un nou strat de crema. Punem cu generozitate cacao si avem un desert delicios cu care impresionam si cel mai mare critic culinar!
Sfat: consumati tiramisu dupa ce a stat in prealabil cel putin 6 h in frigider(in tot acest timp crema se intareste si gusturile se imbina). Pofta buna
- 1 kg mascarpone cheese;
- 5 eggs;
- 6 tablespoons sugar;
- Vanilla;
- Coffe;
- Amareto liquior;- cocoa;
- Savoiardi (2 large bags);
In two separate bowls yolk whites, mix yolks with sugar until sugar melts(preferably with a mixer), add a little vanilla and incorporate carefully first mascarpone cheese and then half of the the whipped egg-white foam.
In a bowl mix coffe with amareto, introduce for a few seconds cracker in coffe so we do a layer of savoiardi then a layer of cream, again a layer of savoiardi and another layer of cream on top. On top put generously cocoa and have a delicious dessert that impress and biggest food critic!
Tip: eat tiramisu after putting it previously in the refrigerator at least 6 h (during this time hardens and tastes blends). Bon appetite!
vineri, 1 iunie 2012
Curry malaezian cu creveti
Nu va lasati pacaliti de aspectul nu tocmai extraordinar al curry-ului, in mancarea asiatica gustul este cel care conteaza mai mult si credeti-ma gustul acestui dish va va da pe spate .... cel putin eu zic ca este "dementiala" ca sa citez un classic in viata ... Ingredientele sunt multe si nu tocmai usor de gasit, dar merita tot efortul!!!
Curry malaezian cu creveti
- 600 g creveti proaspeti;
- 300 ml lapte de cocos;
- 400 ml supa de pui;
- 2 cepe rosii;
- 2 cepe albe;
- 4 catei de usturoi,
- o bucatica de ghimbir de marimea unei nuci;
- 2 fire de lemongrass;
- 2 ardei iuti rosii (daca nu gasiti puteti folosi si verzi);
- 1 lingurita de turmeric;
- 30 ml sos de soia,
- 30 ml ulei neutru;
- 1/2 lingurita de scortisoara macinata;
- sare de mare;
- o mana de fasole verde;
Puneti intr-un blender lemongrass, ghimbir, usturoi, ceapa rosie, ardei iute si turmenicul si procesati pana ce devine o pasta. Puneti uleiul la incins si adaugati pasta, tineti pe foc cateva minute. Tocati ceapa alba fasii si adaugati-o peste pasta aflata deja pe foc. Dupa cateva minute adaugati supa de pui si asezonati cu sare. Reduceti 10 minute. Adaugati laptele de cocos, scortisoara si sosul de soya. Fierbeti inca 10 minute. Adaugati fasolea verde si crevetii mai fierbeti 5-7 minute si ... gata! Serviti cu orez simplu facut la abur!
Pofta buna!
Do not be fooled by the appearance of the dish, the Curry's extraordinary in taste the asian food that is what matters most and believe me taste of this this dish will blow you away ! The ingredients are many and not very easy to find, but worth the effort!
Malaysian curry with shrimp
- 600 g fresh shrimp;
- 300 ml coconut milk;
- 400 ml chicken stock;
- 2 red onions;
- 2 white onions;
- 4 cloves of garlic,
- A piece of ginger the size of a walnut;
- 2 wires lemongrass;
- 2 red chillies (if you can find used and green);
- 1 teaspoon turmeric;
- 30 ml soy sauce
- 30 ml neutral oil;
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
- Sea salt;
- A handful of green beans;
Put in a blender lemongrass, ginger, garlic, onion, pepper and turmenic and process until it becomes a paste. Put in hot oil and add the paste you just made, keep on the heat for 5 minutes. Chop white onion strips and add to the paste already on heat. After few minutes add the chicken stock and season with salt. Reduce 10 minutes. Add coconut milk, ginger and soy sauce. Boil 10 minutes. Add beans and shrimps and cook for 5-7 minutes ... ready! Serve with steamed rice!
Bon appetite!
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