
luni, 27 august 2012

Supa de ceapa frantuzeasca

Astazi vom intra in minunata "french cusine", supa de ceapa, un gust desavarsit care va va incanta ...

Supa de ceapa


- 6 bucati de ceapa alba;
- 60 grame de unt;
- sare,
- piper;
- cimbru;
- doua linguri de faina;
- supa de vita 1 litru;
- nucsoara;
- baghete frantuzeasca,
- ementelar si parmezan;
- 2 catei de usturoi;
- 0 lingurita de zahar brun;

Taiem ceapa in fasii subtiri. Topim untul intr-o cratita nonabraziva si adaugam ceapa. Caramelizam ceapa la foc mic pana ce devine aurie. Asezonam cu sare, piper, cimbru si nucsoara. Adaugam zaharul si mai caramelizam(daca este nevoie adaugam putina apa). Adaugam faina si omogenizam. Turnam incet supa de vita. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic 20-30 minute amestecand din cand in cand.
Pregatim bagheta o taiem in felii destul de groase si pe diagonala, ungem painea cu usturoi si deasupra adaugam ementaler si parmezan(sau cascaval) din abundenta.
Turnam supa in boluri care pot fi introduse in cuptor, punem painea deasupra si introducem in cuptor.
Este gata cand s-a topit cascavalul!!
Pofta buna!

Today we enter the wonderful "french Cusine" with the onion soup, perfect taste ...

Onion soup


- 6 pieces of white onion;
- 60 grams of butter;
- Salt
- Pepper;
- Thyme;
- Two tablespoons of flour;
- 1 liter beef stock;
- Nutmeg;
- French baguettes,
- Ementelar and parmesan;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 0 tablespoon brown sugar;

Onion cut into thin strips. Melt butter in nonabrasive saucepan and add onion. Caramelized onion over low heat until golden. Season with salt, pepper, thyme and nutmeg. Add sugar and caramelize (add a little water if needed). Add flour and blend. Slowly pour the beef stock. Let it simmer on low heat 20-30 minutes stirring occasionally.
Prepare the baghete, cut in thick slices on the diagonal, anoint with garlic and add parmesan and ementaler (or cheese) in abundance.
Pour soup into bowls that can be placed in the oven, place bread on top and put in oven.
It is ready when the cheese has melted.
Bon appetite!

sâmbătă, 25 august 2012

Paprikas de pui

Din nou o reteta din bucataria maghiara, paprikas de pui, mancarea copilariei mele, de cate ori bunica ma intreba ce vreau bun de mancare, asta era alegerea mea, era echivalentul unui "Happy meal" pentru copii din zilele noastre, dar mult mai sanatos! Si bineinteles cu paine calda facuta tot de bunica mea! Dar haideti sa facem si noi aceasta minunata mancare, "papricas de pui":

Paprikas de pui


- un pui (se poate face si numai din pulpe de pui);
- 5 cepe albe mari;
- boia dulce;
- piper boabe si macinat;
- sare;
- supa de pui;
- lapte (sau smantana dulce de gatit);
- 1 lingura de faina;
- patrunjel;
- ulei de floarea soarelui 50 ml;

Taiem ceapa in rondele subtiri. Punem uleiul la incins intr-o cratita nonabraziva si adaugam ceapa, o calim la foc mic. Asezonam cu sare si piper, Dupa cateva minute, cand ceapa a devenit translucida, adaugam bucatile de carne(asezonate cu sare si piper). Inabusim carnea in acest fel pentru cateva minute. Adaugam un varf de boabe de piper  si 3 lingurite de boia de ardei dulce. Dupa 2-3 minute adaugam 200 ml de supa de pui. Lasam sa fiarba pana ce puiul este facut. Adaugam smantana dulce sau lapte amestecat cu o lingura de faina. Dupa 2 minute adaugam patrunjelul.
Serviti fie cu paine calda fie cu mamaliguta! Pofta buna!

Again Hungarian cuisine recipe, chicken paprikas, the food of my childhood, whenever my grandmother asked me what good I want to eat, that was my choice, it was the equivalent of a "Happy Meal" for children today, but much healthier ! And of course with fresh bread my grandmother made ​​everything! But let this wonderful food we do:

Chicken Paprikas


- A chicken;
- 5 large white onions;
- sweet paprika;
- Beans and ground pepper;
- Salt;
- Chicken soup;
- Milk (or heavy cream for cooking);
- 1 tablespoon of flour;
- Parsley;
- 50 ml sunflower oil;

Cut onion into thin slices. Put in hot oil in a saucepan and add onion nonabrasive at low heat stir . Season with salt and pepper, After a few minutes, when the onions become translucent, add the meat (seasoned with salt and pepper). Stew meat in this way for a few minutes. Add a pinch of pepper and 3 teaspoons of sweet paprika. After 2-3 minutes add 200 ml of chicken soup. Let it simmer until chicken is done. Add heavy cream or milk mixed with a tablespoon of flour. After 2 minutes add parsley.
Serve hot with bread or polenta! Bon appetite!

miercuri, 22 august 2012

Ciolan cu varza

O reteta simpla, traditionala veti spune, dar de cate ori ati mancat varza calita fara gust sau fara culoare? Haideti sa facem impreuna cea mai buna varza calita made in 2012!!! "Ciolan cu varza":

Ciolan cu varza


- ciolan de porc afumat(de la macelarie, nu mezel!!)
- varza 2 buc;
- ceapa 1 buc;
- ulei floarea soarelui 50 ml;
- ulei de masline 50 ml;
- sare si piper;
- sare de lamaie;
- bulion de rosii;
- bulion de ardei;
- cimbru proaspat;
- marar proaspat;

In primul rand puneti la fiert ciolanul intr-o oala sub presiune impreuna cu cateva frunze de cimbru si boabe de piper timp de 2h.
Taiati varza marunt, sau pentru rezultate optime dati-o pe razatoarea Borner, si frecati-o cu sare si sare de lamaie(1/2 punguta). Tocati ceapa marunt si puneti-o la calit in uleiul incins, adaugati varza si caliti-o 5-10 minute, adaugati 1/2 cana de apa, asezonati cu piper atat boabe cat si macinat, cimbru proaspat si sare numai daca este nevoie(deoarece s-a sarat atunci cand ati frecat-o). Dupa 15-20 minute adaugati pasta de ardei. Fierbeti apoi la foc mic pana cand simtiti ca varza s-a inmuiat. adaugati bulionul de rosii astfel incat varza sa aiba o culoare frumoasa si un gust pe masura. Adaugati jumatate de legatura de marar si mai fierbeti. Daca a scazut prea mult mai puneti putina apa. La final presarati retul de marar peste varza impreuna cu o crenguta de cimbru. Introduceti in cuptorul preincalzit pentru 20-30 de minute la 160 de grade.
Cand s-a fiert ciolanul ungeti-l cu putin ulei de masline si piper,  puneti-l peste varza sa se rumeneasca in cuptor!
Pofta buna!

A simple recipe, a traditional romanien recipe, but how many time have you eaten cabbage tasteless and colorless? Let us make the best cabbage, made ​​in 2012!

Pork with cabbage


- Smoked pork knuckle (from the butcher!)

- Cabbage 2 pieces;

- Onion 1 piece;

- 50 ml sunflower oil;

- 50 ml olive oil;

- Salt and pepper;

- Lemon salt;

- Tomato broth;

- Pepper broth;

- Fresh thyme;

- Fresh dill;

First boil to knuckle into a pressure cooker along with some thyme leaves and peppercorns for 2h.

Cut cabbage into small pieces, and rub it with salt and lemon salt (1/2 bag). Chop onions finely and put it to cook in the hot oil, add cabbage and cook it for 5-10 minutes, add 1/2 cup of water, season with pepper, fresh thyme and salt only if needed (because its salty when you rubbed it). After 15-20 minutes add pepper paste. Then cook over low heat until cabbage has softened. Add tomato broth so have a nice color and taste. Add half the dill and more boil. If too much to put some water. Finally sprinkle over cabbage dill youth with a sprig of thyme. Enter in the preheated oven for 20-30 minutes at 160 degrees.

When it boiled knuckle on top of cabbage and browned in the oven!

Bon appetite!

marți, 21 august 2012

Baby caracatita si creveti la gratar

Recunosc, iubesc fructele de mare indiferent de felul in care sunt preparate, si daca sunt facute la gratar cu o salata perfecta si un dresing pe masura, atunci cu atat mai mult!!

Baby caracatita si creveti la gratar


- baby caracatita, 500g(preferabil proaspata);
- creveti proaspeti 500g;
- ulei  de masline 50ml;
- sare si piper;
- o lamaie;
- cimbru proaspat;
- salata iceberg;
- o para;
- iaurt grecesc 200 ml;
- maioneza 1 lingura;
- usturoi 3 catei;
-8  rosii cherry;

Incepe prin a curata si spala, caracatita, dupa aceea le facem o marinata din o lamaie, piper, sare, ulei de masline, un catel de usturoi si cimbru(lasam la frigider 24h!!). OK daca nu avem timp alegem planul B, fierbem caracatita in marinata la care se adauga 1 litru de apa timp de 10 minute. Punem caracatita pe frigarui la fel si crevetii pe care dupa care asezonam cu sare, piper si ulei de masline. Tinem te gratar 2 minute pe fiecare parte si este gata!
Pentru sos pisam 2 catei de usturoi, adaugam iaurtul grecesc si maioneza si asezonam cu sare si piper.
Curatam salata iceberg, taiem rosiile cherry in doua si para in bucati destul de mari, asezonam cu sare si piper si adaugam sos de usturoi, peste aceasta adaugam, frigaruile de creveti, si caracatita.
Pofta buna!

I admit, I love seafood regardless of how they are prepared, and if done perfectly grilled with a salad and a dressing, then even more!

Grilled baby octopus and shrimp


- 500g baby octopus (preferably fresh);

- 500g fresh prawns;

- 50ml olive oil;

- Salt and pepper;

- A lemon;

- Fresh thyme;

- Iceberg lettuce;

- A pear;

- Greek yogurt 200 ml;

- 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;

- 3 cloves garlic;

-8 Cherry tomatoes;

Start by cleaning and washing octopus, then we make a marinade from a lemon, pepper, salt, olive oil, a clove of garlic and thyme (leave in fridge 24 hours!). OK if you do not have time  choose plan B, boil octopus in marinade plus 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Put octopus and shrimp on skewers then season with salt, pepper and olive oil. Keep your grill 2 minutes on each side and is ready!

  For the sauce put 2 cloves garlic, Greek yogurt and add mayo and season with salt and pepper.

Clean iceberg lettuce, cherry tomatoes cut in half and pare quite large pieces, season with salt and pepper and add the garlic sauce, add over the shrimp and octopus skewers

Bon appetite!

duminică, 19 august 2012

Quesadilla de pui

O mancare pe gustul intregii familii, copii o iubesc, dar poate fi facuta si pentru o petrecere cu prietenii, se face foarte repede si este delicioasa, si unde mai pui ca merge de minune cu un pahar de bere rece! Reteta de quesadilla:

Quesadilla de pui

Ingrediente (pentru 4 persoane):

- un piept de pui;
- 150 g cascaval;
- 2 rosii;
- 2 cepe verzi;
- cimbru proaspat;
- sare si piper;
- lipii;
- 50 ml ulei de masline;
- 1 ardei iute (numai pentru cine doreste picant);
- 30g unt;

Puiul se taie file si se asezoneaza cu sare, piper si putin cimbru impreuna cu cateva picaturi de ulei de masline. Se pune la incins o tigaie non abraziva. Se pune puiul cand aceasta este foarte incinsa, il lasam cateva minute pana cand vedem ca s-a facut pana la jumate si il intoarcem. Il umgem cu unt si mai asezonam cu sare si piper. Cand s-a facut si pe partea celalta il scotem si il lasam sa se odihneasca.
Taiem rosiile cubulete mici, ceapa verde de asemeni marunt si ardeiul iute, adaugam ulei de masline sare si cimbru. Radem cascavalul. Punem o tigaie la incins in care pe rand incalzim doua lipii unse in prealabil cu putin ulei de masline. Pliem lipiile asfel incat sa incapa in tigaie doua lipii, in interior umplem cu un strat de cascaval, pui taiat fasii si salsa. Acoperim si lasam cateva minute la foc mic. Intoarcem o singura data si obtinem o quesadilla crocanta si delicioasa. Serviti cu salsa si daca doriti un fusion preparati si un tzatziki, merg de minune impreuna! Pofta buna.

A taste food the whole family, kids love it, but it can be done for a party with friends is very easy and is delicious, and goes great with a glass of cold beer!

Chicken Quesadilla

Ingredients (for 4 people):

- A chicken breast;
- 150 g yellow cheese;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 2 green onions;
- Fresh thyme;
- Salt and pepper;
- Pita bread;
- 50 ml olive oil;
- 1 hot pepper (only for those who want spicy);
- 30g butter;

Cut chicken fillet and season with salt, pepper and a little thyme along with a few drops of olive oil. Place in hot skillet non abrasive. Place chicken when it is very hot, leave it a few minutes until we see that it made ​​it halfway and back.  Put butter over the meat and season with salt and pepper. When is done on the other side take it out and leave it to rest.
Cut tomatoes into small cubes, chopped green onion and chilli also, add olive oil salt and thyme. Laugh cheese. Put the pan in hot glued one by one heat two previously greased with a little olive oil. Put griddles so that she would fit into two pita bread pan, fill the inside with a layer of cheese, cut chicken strips and salsa. Cover and let simmer a few minutes. Turn once and get a quesadilla crispy and delicious. Serve with salsa and if you want a fusion dishes make a tzatziki, go great together! Enjoy your meal.

sâmbătă, 11 august 2012

Tocanita sarbeasca(Szearb tokany)

O mancare excelenta de vara, usoara si delicioasa, desi se numeste "tocanita sarbeasca" aceasta reteta o veti gasi in bucataria maghiara, pentru mine este o reteta draga sufletului meu pentru ca este mostenire de la bunica mea, cea care a fost primul meu mentor, gusturile copilariei nu se uita niciodata, si daca vin si de la cineva talentat nativ in ale bucatariei, cum era bunica mea, atunci cu atat mai valoroasa este mostenirea. Dar sa trecem la treaba!

Tocanita sarbesca (Szearb tokany)


- 6 cepe albe mari;
- 6 rosii coapte si carnoase;
- 2 ardei capia rosii;
- 1 ardei verde;
- cimbru proaspat;
- 50 ml ulei de masline;
- 1 lingura de faina;
- 150 ml lapte;
- supa de pui;
- sare;
- piper;
- patrunjel;
- zahar numai daca rosiile nu sunt suficient de gustoase;

Se taie ceapa solzisori, la fel si ardeii, rosiile se curara de coaja, patru se taie cubulete iar doua se dau pe razatoarea mare.
Se pune intr-o cratita uleiul de masline la incins, se adauga la inceput ceapa, cand devine translucida se adauga ardeiul, se amesteca din cand in cad si se poate adauga 1/2 cana de supa de pui, cand ardeiul s-a inmuiat se adauga rosiile. Se adauga sare, piper si cimbru. Daca nu este suficient de dulce adaugam 1/2 lingurita de zahar. Fierbem timp de 10 minute. Amestecam faina cu laptele rece(pentru a nu face cocoloasa) si il adaugam in tocanita. Mai tinem la foc pane se leaga si adaugam patrunjel din abundenta!
Se consuma preferabil cu paine calda! Poate fi servita si ca garnitura pentru muschiulet de porc sau piept de curcan la gratar!
Tip: Cine vrea sa fie o mancare de post poate drege la final cu lapte de migdale.
Pofta buna!

A great summer dish, light and delicious, although called "Serbian stew" this recipe you will find in Hungarian cuisine for me is a recipe dear to my soul that is inherited from my grandmother, who was my first mentor, you never forget childhood tastes, and if they come from someone talented in the kitchen, as was my grandmother was, then more valuable is the legacy. But let's get to work!

  Serbian stew


- 6 large white onions;

- 6 red ripe and fleshy;

- 2 red bell peppers;

- 1 green pepper;

- Fresh thyme;

- 50 ml olive oil;

- 1 tablespoon flour;

- 150 ml milk;

- Chicken soup;

- Salt;

- Pepper;

- Parsley;

- Sugar if tomatoes are not only tasty enough;

Cut onion small slices, as well as peppers, peel tomatoes, cut into cubes four, and two give to grate.

Place in a saucepan in hot olive oil, add the onion first, it becomes translucent, add peppers, stir from time to fall and you can add 1/2 cup chicken broth, pepper when softened add tomatoes. Add salt, pepper and thyme. If not sweet enough add 1/2 teaspoon sugar. Boil for 10 minutes. Mix flour with cold milk (to not lumpy) and add to the stew. May keep the heat and add parsley. 

Preferably consumed with fresh bread! Can be served as garnish for pork tenderloin or grilled turkey breast!

Type: Who wants to be a vegetarian food the item can tinker at the end with almond milk.

Bun apettite!

miercuri, 8 august 2012

Vanata umpluta

O reteta ce isi are originele in bucataria turceasca, turcii iubesc vinetele si le gatesc in peste 40 de feluri!! Sa incercam si noi unul dintre ele, sunt convinsa ca o sa va placa! Vinete umplute:

Vanata umpluta

- 4 vinete;
- 1 ardei rosu;
- 1 ardei verde;
- 4 rosii coapte;
- 3 cepe;
- 4-5 catei de usturoi;
- patrunjel;
- cateva frunze de menta;
- ulei de masline 50-75 ml(mergem pe varianta mai light!);
- un varf de scortisoasa;
- un varf de chimen(optional);
- sare si piper;
- zahar(dupa gust)

Taiem vinetele in doua, o bucata mai groasa, o scobim cu grija sa ramana si pulpa nu numai coaja! Taiem bucati ce am scobit din vinete. De asemeni taiem in cubulete mari ardeiul, rosiile(decojite) iar ceapa si usturoiul in cubulete fine. Punem 3/4 din uleiul de masline la incins intr-o tigaie iar cu restul ungem vinetele si le introducem in cuptor. In tigaie punem la inceput ceapa, dupa 3-4 minute vinetele, ardeiul si usturoiul iar spre final rosiile si condimentele(sare, piper, chimen, scortisoara, zahar, menta si patrunjel). Dupa cateva minute umplutura este gata. scoateti vinetele din cuptor si umpleti-le din abundenta.
Introduceti-le in cuptor pentru 45 minute la 150-160 grade.
Nu va lasati tentati sa puneti mozzaela, parmezan sau alte minuni, este extraordinar de buna asa simpla.
Se serveste fie calda, fie rece(eu zic ca este mai buna rece dupa 3-4 ore de la momentul gatirii).
Popfta buna!

A recipe that has its origins in Turkish cuisine, Turkish love eggplants and cook them over 40 ways! We try one of them, I am convinced that you'll like it!

Stuffed eggplant:


- 4 eggplant;

- 1 red pepper;

- 1 green pepper;

- 4 ripe tomatoes;

- 3 onions;

- 4-5 cloves of garlic;

- Parsley;

- A few leaves of mint;

- 50-75 ml olive oil (go on  light!)

- A pinch of cinnamon;

- A pinch of cumin (optional);

- Salt and pepper;

- Sugar (to taste)

Cut eggplant in half, with a thicker piececarefully carve. Cut the scooped pieces of eggplant. Also cut in large dice peppers, tomatoes (peeled) and diced onion and garlic fine. Put 3/4 of the olive oil in a pan and brush with remaining oil the eggplant and put them in the oven. We started onion to pan after 3-4 minutes eggplants, peppers and garlic and tomatoes and spices to the end (salt, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, sugar, mint and parsley). After a few minutes filling is ready. Remove the eggplants from the oven and fill in abundance.

Put them in the oven for 45 minutes at 150-160 degrees.

Do not get tempted to put mozzaela, parmesan and other wonders, is extremely good so simple.

Serve either hot or cold (I think it's better cold after 3-4 hours of cooking time).

Bon appetite!

marți, 7 august 2012

Penne cu sos ragu

  "Penne cu sos ragu"


- 350 g penne;
- 500 g carne de vitel tocata;
- 4 rosii coapte;
- 1 lingura de pasta de tomate;
- 1 pahar de vin;
- 3-4 catei de usturoi;
- o ceapa;
- 1/2 morcov;
- 1/4 telina;
- busuioc proaspat;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- 60 ml ulei de masline;
- cimbru proaspat;

Intai pregatim ingredientele: dam pe razatoarea mica telina si morcovul, tocam ceapa marunt, pisam usturoiul. Punem 30 ml de ulei de masline la incins, adaugam carnea, asezonam cu sare si piper; intr-o tigaie separat punem restul de ulei de masline si adaugam pe rand ceapa, dupa 2-3 minute morcovul si telina, cand sunt calite bine le daugam peste carne. In aproximativ 10 minute adaugam vinul. Reducem pana ce alcoolul se evapora.  Decojim rosiile si le tocam in cubulete mici apoi le adaugam peste sos impreuna cu o lingura de pasta de tomate, busuioc si cimbru proaspat. Fierbem pastele al dente in apa cu sare.
Peste o portie de paste adaugam 3 linguri de sos, parmezan proaspat razuit si putin cimbru proaspat! Pofta buna!

Penne with ragu sauce

- 350 g penne;
- 500 g minced veal;
- 4 ripe tomatoes;
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste;
- 1 glass of wine;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- An onion;
- 1/2 carrot;
- 1/4 celery;
- Fresh basil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- 60 ml olive oil;

First prepare the ingredientsgive a little celery and grated carrot, cut onion, mince garlicPut 30 ml of olive oil to hotadd meatseasoned with salt and pepper in a separate pan put the remaining olive oil and add the onion,carrot and celerywhen they are well tempered add over meat.In about 10 minutes add the wineReduce until the alcohol evaporatesPeel tomatoes and cut them in small cubes then add in the sauce with a table spoon of tomato pasteLet the sauce over low heat stirring occasionally. Boil the paste in salty water.Over a portion of pasta add 3 tablespoon of ragu sauce, parmegiano and basil.Bon appetite!

Turn off instant tra

sâmbătă, 4 august 2012

Coquelet la cuptor cu cartofi noi

Coquelet la cuptor cu cartofi noi


- 1 pui crescut dupa metoda frantuzeasca(coquelet), il gasiti la Carefour;
- 2 rosii;
- busuioc proaspat;
- usturoi;
- ulei de masline;
- sare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- cartofi noi;
- rozmarin;

Se taie rosiile in patru(sau sase daca sunt mai mari), se desfac cateii de usturoi din capatana, dar nu se decojesc, se rup frunzele de busuioc de pe tulpina, dar nu se toaca. Punem intr-o tava puiul il asezonam cu sare si piper si le ungem putin cu ulei de masline, asezam usturoiul si rosiile  si acoperim cu frunze de busuioc, asezonam cu sare si piper. Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la maxim, reducem temperatura la 160 grade timp de 1h si 30 min/2h.
Spalam bine cartofii, ii punem la fiert pentru 10 minute, apoi ii scurgem ii si introducem in cuptor(langa pui) dupa ce in prealabil i-am asezonat cu sare, piper, ulei de masline si rozmarin.
Seviti cu salata verde! Pofta buna!

Baked, Coquelet, with new potatoes

- 1  coqelet;
- 2 tomatoes;
- Fresh basil;
- Garlic;
- Olive oil;
- Salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- Potatoes;
- Rosemary;

Cut tomatoes into four (or six if higher), separate from the skull garlic cloves, but do not peel, tear the basil leaves from stems, but do not chop. Put chicken in pan season it with salt and pepper and a little olive oil, garlic and tomatoes sit and wrap the basil leaves, season with salt and pepper. Introduce pan in preheated oven at maximum temperature reduce  to 160 degree for 1h and 30 min/2h.

Wash potatoes, put them to boil for 10 minutes, then drain them and introduce them in the oven (besides chicken) after previously  seasoned with salt, pepper, olive oil and rosemary.
Bon appetite!

vineri, 3 august 2012

Salata de pui

O salata delicioasa, care merge perfect cu paine prajita fie ca aperitiv fie la micul dejun. Iata reteta:

Salata de pui

- 1 piept de pui;
- 3- 4 castraveti murati;
- 3 linguri de maioneza (light, facuta in casa!!!)
- 1 lingura de fistic maruntit;

Pentru ca salata sa fie extrem de delicioasa pieptul de pui este bun daca il rumenim la cuptor, dar se poate face si cu piept de pui fiert. Pietul facut la cuptor sau la rotisor este mai gustos deoarece  gustul carnii se pastreaza mai bine!
Maioneza se face dintr-un ou intreg, o lingurita de mustar, 1/2 lamaie, sare si 200 ml ulei toate mixate cu blanderul.
Castravetii murati se taie cubulete mici si se storc, carnea de asemeni se toaca marunt si se amesteca cu maioneza si fisticul.
Pofta buna!

A delicious salad that goes well with toast or as an appetizer or for breakfast. Here's the recipe:

Chicken Salad


- 1 chicken breast;

- 3 to 4 pickled cucumbers;

- 3 tablespoons mayonnaise (light, homemade!)

- 1 tablespoon chopped pistachios;

For the salad to be very delicious the chicken breast is good if you toasted in the oven, but can be done with boiled chicken. Is better to bake or roast meat, is good because it keeps better taste,

Mayonnaise: one whole egg, one teaspoon mustard, 1/2 lemon, salt and 200 ml oil, all mixed with blander.

Pickled cucumbers into small cubes and squeeze, also finely chop meat and mix with mayonnaise and pistachios.

Bon appetite!