
duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

Gaufre de liege

Un mic dejun de vacanta, ceva ce poti face in diminetile placute, cand nu te grabesti sa pleci de acasa. Cu siguranta copii, dar nu numai, vor aprecia efortul. Formele se gasesc in supermaketuri!

Gaufre de liege


- 120g unt;
- 6 linguri de zahar;
- 1 praf de copt;
- 3 oua;
- 250g faina;
- 200 ml lapte;
- esenta de vanilie;
- un varf de sare;

Amestecati intr-un bol ouale cu zaharul, sarea si vanilia, adaugati treptat faina, praful de copt si laptele. Se formeaza o coca de consistenta unei smatane groase. Lasati coca sa dospeasca 10-15 minute.
Incingeti forma foarte bine si plasati coca in mijlocul ei, lasati sa se faca 3-4 minute(in acest timp nu ridicati capacul!). Gouffrele sunt gata!!
Serviti cu ciocolata, miere sau simple!
Pofta buna!!!

A holiday breakfast, certainly children, but not only, will appreciate the effort. Forms are available in supermarkets!

Gaufre of liege


- 120g butter;
- 6 tablespoons sugar;
- 1 baking powder;
- 3 eggs;
- 250g flour;
- 200 ml milk;
- Vanilla;
- A pinch of salt;

Whisk eggs in a bowl with the sugar, salt and vanilla, gradually add flour, baking powder and milk. It forms a dough consistency of thick sour cream. Leave the dough to rise, 10-15 minutes.
Heat the form well and place dough in the middle of it, let it take 3-4 minutes (do not lift the lid during this time!). Gouffrele ready!
Serve with chocolate, honey or simple!
Bon appetite!

joi, 6 decembrie 2012

Furtuna in ocean

Este mancarea care ma reprezinta pe mine cel mai mult, "my signature dish", cum ar zice englezu', cu farfuria asta am rupt gura targului la MasterChef, trei de Da!!!, incercati-o si spuneti-mi cati de Da imi dati...

Furtuna in ocean

- 500 g creveti proaspeti;
- 300 g midii;
- 1 capatana de usturoi;
- 100 g rosii cherry;
- 3 rosii coapte si zemoase(nu spuneti nimanui dar iarna mai bine folositi rosii in bulion);
- 150 ml ulei de masline extravirgin;
- vin alb demisec;
- 2-3 peperoncinni;
- busuioc proaspat;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- 5g zahar brun;

Puneti uleiul la incins, adaugati usturoiul taial felii, cand acesta devine auriu adaugati pentru 2-3 minute crevetii si scoteti-i pe o farfurie. Adaugati rosiile tocate in cubulete mici si rosiile cherry taiate in doua, dupa 4-5 minute adaugati vinul si peperoncini apoi asezonati cu sare, piper si zahar brun(numai daca rosiile nu sunt suficient de dulci). Puneti scoicile si crevetii si lasati sa fiarba 5-7 minute, adaugati busuiocul proaspat tocat.
Mai aveti nevoie de paine proaspata, si de.. Pofta buna!!!

The food that represents  me the most, "my signature dish", is the plate I presented in the MasterChef Competition, I got three Yeses!, try it and tell mehow many yeses you gave me ...

Ocean storm

- 500 g fresh shrimp;
- 300 g mussel;
- 1 clove garlic;
- 100 g cherry tomatoes;
- 3 tomatoes ripe and juicy (not tell anyone but in time winter better usetomatoes in a can);
- 150 ml olive oil;
- Semi-dry white wine;
- 2-3 peperoncinni;
- Fresh basil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- 5g brown sugar;

Put to hot the oiladd garlic sliceswhen it becomes golden add for 2-3 minutes the shrimp and remove them on a plateAdd tomatoes chopped intosmall cubes and cherry tomatoes cut in half, after 4-5 minutes add the white wine and peperoncini, then season with saltpepper and brown sugar (only if tomatoes are not sweet enough). Place mussels and shrimpand let simmer 5-7 minutesadd chopped fresh basil.

You also need fresh breadand .. Bon appetite!

duminică, 2 decembrie 2012

Crema de zahar ars cu nuci

Desertul copilariei, crema de zahar ars are "un milion de calorii" dar si un gust de milioane, asa ca odata la cateva luni ne putem rasfata cu ea

Crema de zahar ars cu nuci


- 6 oua;
- 1l lapte;
- 300g zahar;
- un varf de sare;
- 1 lingurita de esenta de vanilie;

Amestecati 150g de zahar cu cele 6 oua, vanilia si un varf de sare pana ce zaharul se topeste. Adaugati laptele treptat pana se omogenizeaza. Intr-o cratita de 3 litri puneti la topit 150g de zahar la foc mediu si amestecati pana ce zaharul devine aramiu(nu-l ardeti ca devine amar!), tapetati cratita pana la jumatate cu zahar. Lasati 5 minute sa se raceasca si adaugati laptele. Introduceti-le in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 de grade timp de 10 minute dupa care reduceti la 150 de grade timp de 50-70 de minute. Daca vedeti ca incepe sa se rumeneasca prea tare dati cuptorul la coacere numai de jos.
Seviti rece cu nuci!

It has "a million calories," but also a taste of millions, so every few months we indulge in it.

Cream brulee with nuts


- 6 eggs;
- 1l milk;
- 300g sugar;
- A pinch of salt;
- 1 teaspoon vanilla;

Stir 150g sugar, 6 eggs, vanilla and with a pinch of salt until sugar melts. Add milk gradually until smooth. In a 3-liter saucepan put sugar 150g melted and stir over medium heat until sugar is copper (do not burn it because becomes bitter!), Wallpaper saucepan halfway with sugar. Allow 5 minutes to cool and add sauce. Put them in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 10 minutes then reduce to 150 degrees for 50-70 minutes.
Serve cold with nuts!

vineri, 30 noiembrie 2012

Cotlete de porc si cartofi cu usturoi

Cotlet de porc si cartofi cu usturoi


- cotlete de porc cu os;
- sare si piper;
- cimbru;
- 30g unt;
- 40 ml ulei de masline;
- 3-4 catei de usturoi;
- 4 carofi;
Incepem cu cartofii pe care ii taiem in sase si ii punem la fiert pentru 10 minute. Dupa ce au fiert ii scurgem si ii punem intr-o tava nonstick, asezonam cu rozmarin, sare si piper, ulei de masline si cativa catei de usturoi zdrobiti cu latul cutitului. Introducem la cuptor la 220 grade pana cand se rumenesc.

Asezonam carnea cu sare si piper si o crestam pe partea cu grasime pentru a nu se curba la caldura. Punem pe foc o tigaie nonstick si 40 ml de ulei de masline, cand s-a incins punem carnea si prajim 3-4 minute la foc mediu. Adaugam 2-3 fire de cimbru si 3-4 catei de usturoi in coaja zdrobiti cu latul cutitului. Intoarcem carnea si adaugam untul, cand acesta s-a topit il punem cu o lingura peste carne si mai lasam 3-4 minute.

Asezam cotletele, care s-au odihnit 3-4 minute alaturi de cartofii cu usturoi.Pofta buna!

Pork chops and potatoes with garlic


- Pork chops on the bone;
- Salt and pepper;
- Thyme;
- 30g butter;
- 40 ml olive oil;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- 4 carofi;

Who start with potatoes cut into six and put them to boil for 10 minutes. After draining boiled we put them in a nonstick pan, seasoned with rosemary, salt and pepper, olive oil and a few cloves of garlic crushed with the flat of the knife. Introduce in the oven at 220 degrees until golden.
Season the meat with salt and pepper and an increase in the fat to avoid heat curve. Put in a nonstick pan on heat and 40 ml of olive oil when you put hot meat and fry for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Add thyme 2-3 leads in the shell crushed garlic cloves with the flat knife. Turn meat and add butter, melted when ready put out the meat with a spoon over and leave 3-4 minutes to rest.
Sit chops, which rested 3-4 minutes aside potatoes with garlic.Pofta good!

miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012

Cheese cake cu fructe de padure

Cheese cake sau pe romaneste prajitura cu branza, o prajutura foarte sanatoasa si iubita de intreaga familie, poate fi atat desert cat si o gustare, fiind foarte satioasa si nu extrem de dulce. Dar sa trecem la reteta:

Cheese cake cu fructe de padure


- 600 g branza proaspata de vaci (grasa);
- 5 oua;
- 4 linguri de faina;
- un varf de sare;
- o lingurita de zahar vanilizat;
- 1/2 lingurita de coaja de portocale;
- 5 linguri de zahar;
- 1 lingura de zahar brun;
- 300 g fructe de padure proaspete(sau congelate);
- 1 pachet de biscuiti digestivi sau crackers;
- 50g unt;

Puneti branza intr-un bol, adaugati galbenusurile de ou, zaharul, sarea, faina, vanilia si coaja de portocale. Procesati compozitia cu blenderul cateva minute. Bateti albusurile de oua si incorporati-le cu grija. Zdrobiti bine biscuiti si intr-o tigaie amestecati-i cu untul topit.
Intr-o tava nonstrick tapetata cu unt puneti biscuitii si apoi turnati compozitia de branza.
Introduceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 190 grade timp de 55-60 de minute.
Intre timp faceti sosul de fructe de padure: punem fructele intr-o tigaie si cand acestea fieb adaugam o lingura de zahar brun, daca sosul nu se leaga adaugam o lingurita de amidon, lasam sa se raceasca.
Cand prajitura s-a copt o lasam sa se raceasca si turnam peste sosul de fructe de padure si o introducem in frigider.
Serviti rece! Pofta buna

Cheesecake, a very healthy cake loved by the whole family can be both dessert and snack, is very filling and not very sweet. But let's get to the recipe:

Cheese cake with berries

- 600 g fresh cheese (fat);

- 5 eggs;

- 4 tablespoons of flour;

- A pinch of salt;

- A teaspoon of vanilla sugar;

- 1/2 teaspoon orange peel;

- 5 tablespoons sugar;

- 1 tablespoon brown sugar;

- 300 g fresh berries (or frozen);

- 1 packet of digestive biscuits or crackers;

- 50g butter;

Place the cheese in a bowl, add egg yolks, sugar, salt, flour, vanilla and orange peel. Composition process with blender several  minutes. Beat egg whites and incorporate them carefully. Well crushed biscuits in a pan and mix them with melted butter.

In a pan put butter cookies dusted non strick and then pour the cheese mixture.

Enter in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 55-60 minutes.

Meanwhile make sauce berries: put fruit in a pan and when they are boiling add a tablespoon of brown sugar if the sauce does not bind add a teaspoon of starch and leave to cool.

When cake has baked let it cool and pour over sauce and put into the fridge.

Serve cold! Bon appetit

luni, 26 noiembrie 2012

Salata de cruditati cu nuci

Cred ca toata lumea a facut macar odata salata de cruditati, dar daca ai vrea ca aceasta sa nu aiba o consistenta apoasa si sa o poti manca si a doua zi atunci urmati pasii ...

Salata de cruditati cu nuci


- 500 g telina;
- 2 morcovi;
- 1 lamaie;
- sare;
- maioneza de casa ( procesati cu blenderul un ou intreg, sare, 250 ml ulei, 1 lingurita mustar, zeama 1/2 lamaie);
- 100 g nuci;

Se rad pe razatoarea mica telina si morcovii si se freaca cu sare si lamaie. Se storc, mediu, si se amesteca cu maioneza. Se adauga nucile tocate!
Serviti cu paine prajita! Pofta buna!

I think everyone made ​​salad at least once, but if you want that it does not have a watery consistency and you can do it by following the steps ...

Salad with walnuts


- 500 g celery;
- 2 carrots;
- 1 lemon;
- Salt;
- Homemade mayonnaise (blend one egg, 250 ml oil, 1 teaspoon mustard, lemon juice 1/2 lemon);
- 100 g walnuts;

 Grated celery and carrots and rub with salt and lemon. Squeeze, medium, and mix with mayonnaise. Stir in chopped nuts!
Serve with toast! Bon appetite!

joi, 22 noiembrie 2012

Dorada la cuptor cu rosii cherry si capere

Un peste delicios, usor de gatit si iubit in egala masura de adulti si de copii! Reteta mea este una foarte simpla si gata in 30 de minute!

Dorada la cuptor cu rosii cherry si capere


- 3 buc Dorada proaspat;
- 2 lamaii;
- rozmarin;
- busuioc;
- sare;
- piper;
- 6-8 rosii cherry;
- 2 lingurite de capere;

Pestele curatat il ungem cu ulei de masline si il asezonam cu sare si piper, atat pe afara cat si in interior, apoi in interior punem o crenguta de rozmarin si 2 felii de lamaie. Ungem o tava nonstick cu ulei de masline si introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 200 grade celsius. Intoarcem pestele dupa 10 minute si adaugam rosiile cherry intregi asezonate cu sare si ulei de masline. Mai lasam 10 minute la 200 grade dupa care peste rosii punem busuioc si dam cuptorul ma 240 de grade timp de 5 minute pentru ca pestele sa se rumeneasca.
Serviti cu lamaie si cartofi rumeniti la cuptor!

A fish delicious, easy to prepare and equally loved by adults and children! My recipe is very simple and ready in 30 minutes!

Dorada baked with cherry tomatoes and capers

- 3 pcs fresh Dorada;
- 2 lemon;
- Rosemary;
- Basil;
- Salt;
- Pepper;
- 6-8 cherry tomatoes;
- 2 tablespoons capers;

Anoint the fish with olive oil and season it with salt and pepper, both outside and inside, and inside put a sprig of rosemary and 2 slices of lemon. Brush a baking sheet olive oil. Put in preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius. Turn fish back after 10 minutes and add whole cherry tomatoes seasoned with salt and olive oil. Leave 10 minutes at 200 degrees then put the tomato, basil and take to 240 degrees oven for 5 minutes for the fish to golden

Serve with lemon and potatoes browned in the oven!

duminică, 18 noiembrie 2012

"Foie gras" etic cu mere caramelizate

Peste tot in lume este o mare controversa priviind "foie gras"-ul (ficatul de gasca, indopate mecanic), de aici si termenul de "ethical foie gras" care inseamna ficat de rata/gasca, ingrasate in mod natural, desi nu este la fel de cremos si savuros, ficatul de rata ecologic este foarte gustos, si in compania unor mere caramelizate devine delicios!

 "Foie gras" etic cu mere caramelizate


- 4 ficat de rata/gasca;
- 3 mere;
- sare,
- piper;
- zahar brun;
- 30 g unt;
- 1 lingura de untura de rata;

Tip: Daca lucrati cu "foie gras" de la pasare indopata nu folositi untura de rata, daca insa ficatul nu este foarte gras atunci avem nevoie de aceasta untura!
Dar sa incepem cu merele, curatam de coaja si cotor dupa care taiem in 6/8 marul, punem untul la incins intr-o tigaie si cand acesta este topit adaugam merele, asezonam cu sare si piper, dupa 2-3 minute adaugam 3 lingurite de zahar brun, cand merele s-au inmuiat adaugam 50 ml de comiac(flambam) si merele sunt gata!
Pentru ficat incingem untura de rata, asezonam ficatul cu sare si piper si prajim cate 3-4 minute pe fiecare parte.
Servim pe pat de mere caramelizate decorate cu chives!

Around the world is a big controversy "foie gras"(foie gras, stuffed mechanical), hence the term "ethical foie gras" which means duck liver / goose fattened naturally, though not as creamy and delicious, organic duck liver is very tasty, and in the company of caramelized apples is delicious!

  "Foie gras" ethical caramelized apples


- 4 duck/goose liver;
- 3 apples;
- Salt
- Pepper;
- Brown sugar;
- 30 g butter;
- 1 tablespoon duck fat;

Tip: If you work with "foie gras" from stuffed bird not use lard, but if the liver is not fat then we need this!
But let's start with apples, peeled and cut in spine then 6/8 apple, put in hot butter in a pan and when it is melted add the apples, season with salt and pepper 2-3 minutes add 3 teaspoons brown sugar, apples were soaked when we add 50 ml of comiac (Flambeau) and apples are ready!
For the fat duck liver, liver seasoned with salt and pepper and fry 3-4 minutes on each side.
Serve on a bed of caramelized apples decorated with chives!

joi, 15 noiembrie 2012

Pui Shanghai si orez cu ou

Pui Shanghai si  orez cu ou


- 1 piept de pui
- 5 oua;
- faina;
- amidon;
- sos de soia;
- 300g orez;- sare;
- ulei de palmier;
- ulei floarea soarelui;

Punem orezul la fiert(preferabil la abur, daca aveti oala speciala de orez) cu putina sare, aveti grija sa fie fiert dar nu pilaf!!!
Taiem pieptul de pui in fasii subtiri si il asezonam cu sare, piper, o lingurita de amidon si una de sos de soia, batem doua oua in care incorporam o lingurita de sos de soia si o lingurita de amidon dizolvat in prealabil, omogenizam. Punem uleiul de palmier(poate fi si de floarea soarelui dar cel de palmier nu se arde si este mai sanatos!) la incins, trecem puiul intai prin faina apoi prin ou si apoi din nou prin faina si il prajim pana devine auriu.
Serviti cu Orez cu ou:

Scurgem orezul foarte bine, intr-un wok punem 40 ml de ulei la incins, batem 2-3 oua ca pentru omleta si le adaugam in uleiul foarte incins, lasam sa se formeze putin oul dupa care incepem sa taiem bucati cu lingura de lemn omleta formata, cand oul s-a prajit adaugam orezul si il incorporam, dupa 4-5 minute, adaugam un fir de ceapa verde si este gata!
De asemeni este foarte gustos cu mix de sare si piper, sos de soia sau sos dulce!

Shanghai chicken and rice with egg


- 1 chicken breast
- 5 eggs;
- Flour;
- Starch;
- Soy sauce;
- 300g rice;
- Salt;
- Palm oil;
- Sunflower oil;

Put the rice to boil(preferably steam, if you have special rice cooker) with salt, be careful not to overboil rice!
Cut the chicken into thin strips and season it with salt, pepper, a teaspoon of starch and soy sauce, beat two eggs that incorporate a teaspoon of soy sauce and a teaspoon of starch dissolved previously homogenized.
We put the palm oil (sunflower can be and the palm but not burn and it's healthy!) to hot, put the chicken first in flour then egg and then again in flour and fry it until golden.
Serve with Rice with eggs:
Drain rice well, beat 2-3 eggs as for scrambled eggs and add to the oil very hot, leave to form little egg then begin to cut the pieces with wooden spoon omelet the formed omlet, add rice and fry 4-5 minutes and the rice with egg is ready!


marți, 13 noiembrie 2012

Ossobucco alla milanese

De foarte mult timp imi doream sa fac acasa "osso bucco", pe romaneste rasol de vita, cu sos milanese, imi era putin teama ca nu se va fierbe, dar daca ai rabdare, ceea ce eu de fapt nu prea am, rezultatul este spectaculos!
Deci nu va asteptati sa se faca repede, dar nici nu trebuie sa stati langa aragaz, puteti viziona un film si pauzele publicitare puteti verifica stadiul mancarii!
dar haideti sa ne apucam de ...

Ossobucco alla milanese


- trei bucati de rasol de vitel;
- 1/4 telina;
- 2 morcovi;
- o ceapa;
- 2 rosii coapte(sau o cutie de rosii in bulion);
- o lingura de pasta de tomate;
- 3-4 catei de usturoi;
- 200 ml vin alb sec;
- 1 litru supa de vita;
- sare si piper;
- cimbru;
- foaie de dafin;
- 50 ml ulei de masline;
- 30g unt;
- 200 g faina;

 Amestecam faina cu o lingurita de sare si 1/2 lingurita de piper, ungem rasolul cu ulei de masline si il trecem prin faina asezonata, incingem uleiul de masline impreuna cu untul intr-o cratita nonabraziva(preferabil de fonta sau marmura) si punem rasolul la prajit. Prajum cate 3-4 minute pe fiecare parte. Scoatem carnea pe o farfurie si punem la calit, morcovul, ceapa si telina tocate marunt si usturoiul pisat, punem carnea la loc, adaugam vinul si reducem focul la minim. dupa 5 minute adaugam supa de vita si lasam la fiert.  Adaugam cimbru si o foaie de dafin. Completam din cand in cand cu apa astfel incat carnea sa fie in permanenta acoperita de lichid. Dupa o ora adaugam rosiile, mai fierbem 1-2 ore pana cand carnea devine moale.
Cand s-au fiert, scoatem bucatile de carne din nou pe o farfurie si adaugam la sos o lingura de pasta de tomate si o lingura de faina(sau amidon) pentru a il ingrosa.
Punem bucatile de carne la loc si "ossobucco ala milanese" este gata.
Pregatim gremolata: patrunjel, coaja de la o lamaie si un catel de usturoi, pe care o punem peste mancare atunci can o servim.
Ca si garnitura eu prefer piureul de cartofi, dar se poate servi si cu orez sau paste!
Pofta buna!

For a long time I wanted to do at home "ossobucco" with sauce milanese, I was a little afraid that it will not boil, but if you have patience, which I actually do not have, the result is spectacular!
So do not expect to be fast, but do not have to sit next to stove, you can watch a film and commercial breaks you can check the progress of food!
but let we start ...

Ossobucco alla milanese


- three pieces of beef;
- 1/4 celery;
- 2 carrots;
- An onion;
- 2 ripe tomatoes (or a can of tomato soup);
- A tablespoon of tomato paste;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- 200 ml dry white wine;
- 1 liter beef stock;
- Salt and pepper;
- Thyme;
- Bay leaf;
- 50 ml olive oil;
- 30g butter;
- 200 g flour;

  Mix flour with a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper, boiled anoint it with olive oil and seasoned flour go through, heat the olive oil with the butter in a saucepan nonabrasive (preferably cast iron or marble) and fry. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove the meat to a plate and put to cook, carrot, onion and celery and minced garlic, put meat back, add wine and reduce heat to a minimum. After 5 minutes add the beef stock and let boil. Occasionally fill with water so that the meat is always covered with liquid. After an hour add the tomatoes, cook 1-2 hours until the meat is tender.
When they are cooked, remove the meat back on a plate and add the sauce a tablespoon of tomato paste and a tablespoon of flour (or starch) to thicken it.
Put the meat back and "ossobucco ala milanese" is ready.
Prepare gremolata: parsley, zest of one lemon and a clove of garlic, you CAN put over food then serve.
As I prefer mashed potatoes seal, but can be served with rice or pasta!
Bon appetite!

duminică, 11 noiembrie 2012

Clatite brasovene

 Clatite brasovene


- 300g faina;
- o cana de lapte;
- 2 lingurite de zahar vanilat;
- un varf de sare;
- apa minerala;
- 1 ou;
- ulei de floarea soarelui;
- 250g branza de vaci grasa;
- 200g smantana;
- o mana de stafide aurii;
- 6 linguri de zahar;
- esenta de rom;
- zahar pudra(pentru servire);

Incepem prin a face coca de clatite: amestecam faina, laptele, un ou, o lingurita zahar vanilat, sare si apa minerala cat sa devina o coca subtire. Facem clatitele intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei foarte incins.
Pregatim umplutura: pentru inceput in putina apa indulcita cu zahar si esenta de rom fierbem stafidele pentru cateva minute, amestecam branza de vaci cu smantana, 4 linguri de zahar, o lingurita de zahar vanilat, si stafidele care s-au racit.
Umplem clatitele cu branza de vaci si le punem intr-un vas de ceramica, le acoperim cu smantana si zahar si le introducem la cuptor, la 180 de grade, pentru 20 de minute, pana se rumenesc.
Serviti cu inghetata!

Pancakes Brasov style


- 300g flour;
- A cup of milk;
- 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar;
- A pinch of salt;
- Mineral water;
- 1 egg;
- Sunflower oil;
- 250g fat cheese;
- 200g cream;
- A handful of golden raisins;
- 6 tablespoons sugar;
- Rum;
- Powdered sugar (for serving);

Start by making dough for pancakes: mix flour, milk, one egg, one teaspoon vanilla sugar, salt and soda thin enough to become a dough. Fry pancakes in a very hot pan with a little oil.
Prepare filling: the first in a little water sweetened with sugar and rum raisins boil for a few minutes, mix cream cheese, 4 tablespoons sugar, one teaspoon of vanilla sugar, and raisins that were cooled.
Fill pancakes with cottage cheese and put them in a ceramic bowl, cover them with cream and sugar and put them in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, until crisp.
Serve with ice cream!

miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2012

Tagliatelle creveti cu sos de vin alb

Tagliatelle creveti cu sos de vin alb

- 350 g creveti proaspeti;
- 1 capatana de usturoi;
- 2 rosii decojite si date pe razatoare;
- 1 lingura de paste de tomate;
- 150 ml ulei de masline extravirgin;
- 150 ml vin alb demisec;
- 2-3 peperoncinni;
- busuioc proaspat;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- 5g zahar brun;
Puneti uleiul la incins, adaugati usturoiul taial felii, cand acesta devine auriu, puneti peperoncini, adaugati pentru 2-3 minute crevetii si scoteti-i pe o farfurie. Adaugati vinul alb si reduceti 4-5 minute, puneti rosiile date pe razatoarea mare si pasta de tomate, asezonati cu sare, piper si zahar brun. Puneti crevetii si lasati sa fiarba 5 minute, adaugati busuiocul proaspat tocat.
Intre timp fierbeti pastele in apa cu putina sare.
Puneti sosul peste paste si serviti cu parmezan razuit!
Pofta buna!

Shrimp tagliatelle with white wine sauce

- 350 g fresh prawns;
- 1 head of garlic;
- 2 tomatoes peeled and grated;
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste;
- 150 ml extra virgin olive oil;
- 150 ml semi-dry white wine;
- 2-3 peperoncinni;
- Fresh basil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- 5g brown sugar;

Put in hot oil, add garlic slices, when it becomes golden, put peperoncini, for 2-3 minutes add shrimp and take them out on a plate. Add 150 ml white wine and reduce for 4-5 minutes, place tomatoes grated and tomato paste, season with salt, pepper and brown sugar. Place the shrimp and let boil 5 minutes, add chopped fresh basil.
Meanwhile, cook pasta in water with salt.
Put sauce over pasta and serve with grated parmesan!
Bon appetite!

marți, 6 noiembrie 2012

Ciorba de burta

Ciorba de burta este o mancare care fie iti place la nebunie fie nu iti place deloc! Ei bine mie si familiei mele ne place foarte mult! Multa lume spune ca este complicat de facut dar parerea mea este ca se face foarte usor si intr-un timp destul de scurt.

Ciorba de burta

- burta 1,2 kg;
- smantana 700 ml;
- 4 oua;
- 2 morcovi;
- 4 catei de usturoi;
- 2 cepe;
- cub de legume organic;
- otet;
- 30 ml ulei;

Punem la fiert burta impreuna cu o ceapa si un morcov ambele intregi, sare si un cub de legume. Eu prefer sa o fierb in oala sub presiune deoarece este gata in 20-30 de minute. Cand s-a fiert scoatem burta sa se raceasca, si de asemeni scoatem si morcovul si ceapa(pe aceste le aruncam). Intr-o cratita mica calim in 30 ml de ulei o ceapa tocata marunt, un morcov dat pe razatoarea mica si patru catei de usturoi pisati. Adaugam legumele calite in ciorba, lasam sa fiarba cateva minute dupa care adaugam 50 ml de otet. Intr-un castron batem ouale si le amestecam cu smatana. Reducem focul si adaugam smantana cu ou in ciorba amestecand energic cu un tel sa nu se branzeasca. Taiem burta fasiute si o adaugam in ciorba. Mai fierbem cateva minute amestecand.
Serviti cu ardei iute, smantana si paine proaspata!
Pofta buna!!

Sfat - desi este mai gustoasa cu smantana grasa de 25-30% grasime, este mult mai sanatoasa si foarte gustoasa si cu smantana de 12% grasime!!

Tripe soup is a dish that either you love it or you do not like at all! Well me and my family really like us! Many people say it is difficult to make but  my opinion is that it is very easy and in a short amount of time.

Tripe soup


- Belly 1.2 kg;

- Cream 700 ml;

- 4 eggs;

- 2 carrots;

- 4 cloves of garlic;

- 2 onions;

- Cube organic vegetables;

- Vinegar;

- 30 ml oil;

We cook belly along with a whole onion and a carrot, salt and vegetable cube. I prefer to cook in pressure cooker because it's ready in 20-30 minutes. When you boil out belly to cool, and also remove and carrots and onions (these we throw). In a small saucepan in 30 ml of oil we stir a chopped onion, a  grated carrot and four garlic cloves, minced. Add fried vegetables in broth, let it simmer for a few minutes then add 50 ml of vinegar. In a bowl beat eggs and mix them with sour cream. Reduce heat and add cream soup with egg stirring vigorously with a whisk. We cut belly in strips and add to the soup. Simmer a few minutes stirring.

Serve with chilli, cream and fresh bread!

Bon appetite!

Tip - although it is more palatable with heavy cream 25-30% fat, is much healthier and very tasty with cream 12% fat!

joi, 1 noiembrie 2012

Cannelloni cu sos ragu

Daca va ganditi ca ar fi momentul sa va impresionati familia sau de ce nu invitatii, cu reteta de mai jos nu veti da gres ...

Cannelloni cu sos ragu


- 500g pulpa de vitel tocata;
- 1 cutie de paste, cannelloni;
- 500g rosii proaspete;
- 2 linguri pasta de tomate;
- 50 ml vin rosu;
- 1 morcov;
- 1 ceapa rosie,
- 1/4 telina;
- 4 catei de usturoi;
- busuioc proaspat;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- 50 ml ulei de masline extra virgin;
- 250 ml lapte;
- 50g unt,
- 1 lingura de faina;
- 250 g mozzarela;

Se pune uleiul la incins, se adauga prima data ceapa taiata cubulete, dupa 2 minute adaugam morcovul si telina rase pe razatoarea mica si in final usturoiul pisat. Cand legumele s-au sotat adaugam carnea tocata, amestecam pana ce carnea se prajeste, asezonam cu sare si piper, adaugam vinul si reducem cateva minute. In acest timp decojim rosiile si le taiem cubulete mici, le adaugam sosului impreuna cu cele doua linguri de pasta de tomate si busuioc, lasam sa fiarba aproximativ 15 minute adaugand apa (50 ml) daca este nevoie.  Intre timp pregatim sosul besamel, intr-o cana amestecam laptele cu faina si putina sare, punem o cratita pe foc si punem untul la topit, adaugam compozitia din cana si anestecam pana ce obtinem consistenta aluatului de clatita.
Montam cannelonni astfel:
- tapetam tava cu sos besamel si cu ajutorul unei lingurite umplem caneloni cu sosul ragu (cat mai fierbinte) le asezam in tava si peste acestea punem sos besamel, deasupra adaugam mozzarela din belsug!Se tin la frigider timp de 4-6h!!!
Inainte de servire se introduc la cuptor timp de 15 minute! Se pot servi cu salata de rucola si baby spanac! Pofta buna!

If you think it's time to impress family and gueststhe recipe below will not fail you...

"Cannelloni with ragu"


- 500g diced leg of veal;
- 1 can of cannelloni paste;
- 500g fresh tomatoes;
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
- 50 ml red wine;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 red onion,
- 1/4 celery;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- Fresh basil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- 50 ml extra virgin olive oil;
- 250 ml milk;
- 50g butter
- 1 tablespoon flour;
- 250 g mozzarella;

Place in hot oil, add diced onion firstafter 2 minutes add carrots and celery small races and finally grated garlicWhen you add the sauteed vegetables were chopped meatstirring until the meat is friedseasonwith salt andpepperadd wine and reduce a few minutesMeanwhile peel the tomatoes and cut them into small cubesadd to sauce with two tablespoons of tomato paste and basil and let it simmer about 15 minutes adding water (50 mlif necessary.Meanwhile prepare sauce besamel, one cup milk mix the flour and saltput in a pan and put melted butteradd mixture from the can until pancake dough consistency.
Make cannelonni as follows:
- put besamel sauce on tray and fill with a teaspoon the caneloni with ragu sauce (as hot) lay to tray and put besamel overadd mozzarella on topkept in the refrigerator for 4-6h!
Before serving is placed in the oven for 15 minutesServe with rucola and baby spinach saladBon appetite!