Astazi va propun o reteta, foarte usoara, gata in mai putin de 30 de minute, veti vedea cum aducem banalul piept de pui la un alt nivel.
Piept de pui cu crusta de bacon
- piept de pui(de dimensiuni mici sau organic);
- bacon(crud, special pentru gatit, cel mai bun este ce de la Campofrio)
- parmezan;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- cimbru(sau rozmarin);
- cartofi noi;
- ulei de masline;
Incepem cu cartofii pe care dupa ce se curata se taie in patru si se pun la fiert cu putina sara. Dupa ce aproape s-au fiert scurgem cartofii bine si ii prajim in ulei de masline.
Pentru inceput cu ajutorul foliei de plastic alimentare si a unui sucitor egalizam pieptul de pui(cu cat este mai egal cu atat mai egal se gateste) montam puiul pentru prepaprare dupa cum urmeaza: asezonam cu sare si piper, presaram putin cimbru, apoi parmezan si deasupra punem baconul( avand grija sa acopere puiul peste tot). Se pune o tigaie la incins(fara grasime) si se aseaza carnea cu baconul in jos. Se lasa pe partea aceasta pana cand baconul devine crocant iar puiul este facut pe jumatate( ne uitam in lateral si atunci cand s-a albit inseamna ca este facut). Intoarcem carnea o singura data si o lasam inca 5-6 minute pe cealalta parte.
Platingul este simplu, se taie carnea in doua si se aseaza impreuna cu cartofii.
Serviti cu mix de salate verzi: rucola, mini spanac si salata verde cu vinegreta.
Pofta buna!
Today I offer a recipe, easy to make, ready in less than 30 minutes, we'll see how ordinary chicken breast goes to another level.
Chicken breast with bacon crust
- Chicken breast (small or organic);
- Bacon (raw, especially for cooking)
- Parmesan cheese;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- Thyme (or rosemary);
- Potatoes;
- Olive oil;
We start with potatoes that after clean is cut in 4 and boil with a little salt. After nearly boiled potatoes are drain well and fry in olive oil.
To equalize the chicken we use plastic foil and a pin (the more equal it gets the more equal it cooks) chicken, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle a little thyme, and parmesan and put bacon on top (making sure to cover chicken everywhere). Place in hot pan (nofat) and put down the meat with bacon. Leave it on the bacon until crisp and chicken is half done (look at the side and turns white when it is done). Turn meat only once and leave the other side 5-6 minutes.
Plating is simple, cut in two and place meat with potatoes.
Serve with mixed green salad: arugula, baby spinach salad with vinaigrette.
Bon appetite!
Chicken breast with bacon crust
- Chicken breast (small or organic);
- Bacon (raw, especially for cooking)
- Parmesan cheese;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- Thyme (or rosemary);
- Potatoes;
- Olive oil;
We start with potatoes that after clean is cut in 4 and boil with a little salt. After nearly boiled potatoes are drain well and fry in olive oil.
To equalize the chicken we use plastic foil and a pin (the more equal it gets the more equal it cooks) chicken, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle a little thyme, and parmesan and put bacon on top (making sure to cover chicken everywhere). Place in hot pan (nofat) and put down the meat with bacon. Leave it on the bacon until crisp and chicken is half done (look at the side and turns white when it is done). Turn meat only once and leave the other side 5-6 minutes.
Plating is simple, cut in two and place meat with potatoes.
Serve with mixed green salad: arugula, baby spinach salad with vinaigrette.
Bon appetite!
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