
duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

Creveti picanti cu legume

Pentru ca dupa sarbatori ne-am hotarat noi ca ar trebui sa mancam mai "light", dar si pentru ca ne place mancarea buna am ajuns la acest fel de mancare, un "dish" delicios, o incantare pentru toate simturile, acesta iti incanta la inceput nasul, apoi ochii si in cele din urma papilele gustative ...

Creveti picanti cu legume


- 1 kg de creveti proaspeti;
- 1 morcov mare;
- 1 dovlecel;
- o telina;
- 1 ardei rosu;
- 1 capatana de usturoi;
- 100 ml ulei de masline;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- peperoncini;
- patrunjel;

Pentru inceput curatam crevetii si apoi legumele. punem la incins doua wokuri, fiecare cu cate 50 ml de ulei de masline.
Legumele le taiem bastonase cat mai egale, cand uleiul s-a incins punem legumele la sotat, adaugam sare si piper si apoi 2 catei de usturoi pisati, sotam 3-4 minute, astfel incat legumele sa ramana al dente.
In wokul pregatit pentru creveti punem la inceput usturoiul taiat feliute, adaugam apoi crevetii si peperoncini, si asezonam cu sare si piper, in 3-4 minute sunt gata si crevetii picanti!
Asezam crevetii pe patul de legume si presaram patrunjel. Puteti servi cu paine prajita sau orez! Pofta buna!!

Because after Christmas we decided  that we should eat more "light", but we like good food, we got to this dish, a delicious one, delight for all the senses, you will delight at first the nose, then the eyes and taste buds eventually ...

Spicy shrimp with vegetables


- 1 kg of fresh shrimps;
- 1 large carrot;
- 1 zucchini;
- A celery;
- 1 red pepper;
- 1 head of garlic;
- 100 ml olive oil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- Peperoncini;
- Parsley;

To begin clean shrimp and the vegetables. We put to hat 2 pans, each with 50 ml of olive oil.
Vegetables: cut them as equal rods, when we heated the oil add the vegetables, then add salt and pepper and 2 cloves garlic, stir for 3-4 minutes, so stay al dente.
In the other pan we start preparing the shrimp, first we add the sliced ​​garlic, then add shrimp and peperoncini, and season with salt and pepper, in 3-4 minutes are ready!
We place the shrimp on bed of vegetables and sprinkle with parsley. You can serve with toast or rice! Bon appetite!

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