Mancarea chinezeasca, aia ca la ea acasa, este foarte greu de reprodus, dar, dupa mai multe incercari, am ajuns la aceasta reteta pe care o impartasesc cu voi, sper sa va placa!
Vita cu praz
- 300 g carpaccio de vita (preferabil din muschi);
- sos de soia;
- amidon;
- sos de peste;
- ulei de susan;
- ulei neutru;
- usturoi;
- praz;
- zahar;
- supa de vita;
Pentru inceput punem la macerat carnea cu 2 linguri de soia, 1 ulei de susan, un catel de usturoi si 1/2 lingurita de amidon timp de 1 h;
Sepatat pregatim sosul 2 linguri de soia, 1 lingurita de zahar, 100 ml supa de vita sau apa, 1 lingura de sos de peste, 2 catei de usturoi, si o lingurita de amidon amestecate bine(chiar si cu blenderul).
Incingem bine wokul si intr-o lingurita de ulei de susan si 2 linguri de ulei de floarea soarelui(foarte incins) punem vita la prajit.
Scoatem vita din wok si punem prazul la sotat, cand devine al dente adaugam din nou vita si apoi sosul, mai tinem pe foc 2-3 minute si este gata.
Serviti cu orez. Pofta buna!!
Chinese food, it is very difficult to replicate, but after several attempts, I have this recipe that I share with you, hope you enjoy!
Beef with Leek
- 300 g beef carpaccio (preferably muscle);
- Soy sauce;
- Starch;
- Fish sauce;
- Sesame oil;
- Neutral oil;
- Garlic;
- Leeks;
- Sugar;
- Beef stock;
For starters we soak the meat in 2 tablespoons soy, 1 sesame oil, a clove of garlic and 1/2 teaspoon of starch for 1 h;
Sepatat prepare the sauce: 2 table spoon of soy sauce 2 tablespoons, 1 teaspoon sugar, 100 ml beef stock or water 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 2 cloves of garlic, and a teaspoon of starch mixed well (even with blender).
Heat well the wok and a teaspoon of sesame oil and 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil (very hot) we fried beef.
We get beef out from the wok and sauté the leeks in, it becomes al dente then add the beef and sauce, keep on the heat 2-3 more minutes and is ready.
Serve with rice. Bon appetite!
Foarte buna, intr-adevar :)