Este prima data cand m-am incumet sa gatesc o pasare uriasa dar nu mi-a parut rau, rezultatul este uimitor, incercati si voi, dar va avertizez ca aveti nevoie de ajutoare, cel putin 8 persoane la masa:))
Curcan la cuptor cu sos
- un curcan 4-5kg;
- 50g unt;
- 50ml ulei de masline;
- 3 catei de usturoi;
- 1 lamaie;
- 5 rosii cherry;
- 1 pahar vin alb;
- patrunjel;
- bacon;
- sare si piper;
- 2-3 cepe mari;
Amestecam untul cu uleiul de masline, usturoiul pisat, patrunjelul, sare si piper. Bagam amestecul acesta sub pielea curcanului, desprindem cu grija pielea de carne astfel incat sa nu se rupa! Cu restul ungem bine curcanul pe exterior! Asezonam curcanul pe interior si introducem in acesta o lamaie si 2-3 cepe intregi cu coaja! Introducem curcanul in cuptor preincalzit, timp de 10 minute la 250 de grade. Scoatem curcanul si il invelim in felii de bacon.
Reintroducem in cuptor, dupa ce anterior l-am invelit in folie de aluminiu, reducem focul la 160 de grade lasam sa se faca aproximativ 2 ore.
Dupa 2 ore scoatem folia si lasam sa se rumeneasca inca 20 de minute. Luam baconul de deasupra si mai introducem in cuptor inca 10 minute la 250 de grade.
Incepem sa facem sosul, intr-o cratita punem putin ulei de masline si adaugam baconul tocat foarte marunt, ceapa si 1/2 din lamaia coapta in interiorul curcanului, rosiile cherry, bucati de piele din curcan(astfel incat sa nu stricam aspectul curcanului: tartita, aripile), vinul si la final sosul lasat de curcan in tava in care s-a facut. Asezonam si reducem pana ce acesta are o consistenta mai groasa. Strecuram si astfel am otinut un sos minunat!
Lasam curcanul sa se odihneasca cel putin 2 ore si il servim cu sos fierbinte si orez cu stafide si scortisoara!!
Pofta buna!!!
It is the first time I ventured to cook huge bird but I was sorry, the result is amazing, and I try, but I warn you that you need help, at least 8 people at the table :))
Roast turkey with gravy
- A 4-5kg turkey;
- 50g butter;
- 50ml olive oil;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 1 lemon;
- 5 cherry tomatoes;
- 1 cup white wine;
- Parsley;
- Bacon;
- Salt and pepper;
- 2-3 large onions;
Mix butter with olive oil, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix the stuffing and put under the turkey skin, carefully detach the skin from meat so it does not break! The rest anoint good turkey on the outside! Season turkey inside and put inside a lemon and 2-3 whole onions! Introducing turkey in preheated oven for 10 minutes at 250 degrees. Take out the turkey and get it wrapped in slices of bacon.
Reintroduce the oven after I previously wrapped in aluminum foil, reduce heat to 160 degrees let it take about 2 hours.
After 2 hours remove foil and leave to brown for another 20 minutes. Get out the bacon on top and cook for another 10 minutes at 250 degrees.
Begin to make sauce, in a saucepan put a little olive oil and add the finely chopped bacon, onion and 1/2 of lemon baked inside the turkey, cherry tomatoes, pieces of skin from turkey (so as not to spoil the appearance of turkey: rump, wings), wine and finally sauce left in the pan in which turkey was done. Season and reduce until it has a thicker consistency. Strain the sauce and so I otinut great!
Leave the turkey to rest at least 2 hours and serve it with hot sauce and rice with raisins and cinnamon!
Bon appetite!
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