Pulpa de rata cu cartofi la cuptor
- pulpe de rata;
- sare;
- cimbru;
- piper prospat macinat;
- cartofi noi;
Incalziti cuptorul la 220 grade, asezonati pulpele cu sare si piper, intr-o tigaie rece puneti pulpele de rata cu pielea in jos si puneti-le pe foc(astfel se va elimina grasimea treptat), lasati-le pana devin aurii, intoarceti-le pe partea cealalta pentru 3-4 minute si asezati-le intr-o tava. In untura ramasa puneti cartofii taiati in patru si sotatii pentru cateva minute, adaugati sare si piper, puneti cartofii in tava impreuna cu pulpele de rata si presarati cimbru. Reduceti focul la cuptor pana la 160-170 de grade si introduceti tava in cuptor. Se tin la cuptor 1h si 30 min/2h, intorcand cartofii din cand in cand.
Se servesc cu salata de rucola si salata verde si vinegreta.
Leg of duck with baked potatoes
- Duck legs;
- Salt;
- Thyme;
- Good fresh ground pepper;
- Potatoes;
Preheat oven to 220 degrees, season the duck legs with salt and pepper, put a cold pan with the duck legs skin down and put them on fire (this will gradually remove fat), leave them until golden brown, turn on the other side for 3-4 minutes and put in a tray. In the remaining fat put the potatoes and cut into four sote for a few minutes, add salt and pepper, place potatoes in pan with ducklegs and sprinkle thyme. Reduce heat oven to 160-170 degrees and bake in oven. Keep in the oven 1 hour and 30 min/2h, turning potatoes occasionally.
Serve with rucola salad and lettuce with vinaigrette.
- Duck legs;
- Salt;
- Thyme;
- Good fresh ground pepper;
- Potatoes;
Preheat oven to 220 degrees, season the duck legs with salt and pepper, put a cold pan with the duck legs skin down and put them on fire (this will gradually remove fat), leave them until golden brown, turn on the other side for 3-4 minutes and put in a tray. In the remaining fat put the potatoes and cut into four sote for a few minutes, add salt and pepper, place potatoes in pan with ducklegs and sprinkle thyme. Reduce heat oven to 160-170 degrees and bake in oven. Keep in the oven 1 hour and 30 min/2h, turning potatoes occasionally.
Serve with rucola salad and lettuce with vinaigrette.