O reteta cu care mi-am impresionat de multe ori musafirii, este reteta care mi s-a cerut cel mai des, si cu care, daca o respectati in tocmai, veti face "cea mai buna lasagna, ... mai buna ca a lui Jamie" ... cel putin asa sustine fetita mea ... "reteta de lasagna":
- 300 g lasagna;
- 500-600 g carne de vitel tocata;
- 4 rosii coapte;
- 1 lingura de pasta de tomate;
- 1 pahar de vin;
- 3-4 catei de usturoi;
- o ceapa;
- 1/2 morcov;
- 1/4 telina;
- busuioc proaspat;
- sare de mare;
- piper proaspat macinat;
- 60 ml ulei de masline;
- 50g unt;
- 1 lingura de faina;
- 250 ml lapte;
- 100-150 g mozzarella;
Intai pregatim ingredientele: dam pe razatoarea mica telina si morcovul, tocam ceapa marunt, pisam usturoiul. Punem 30 ml de ulei de masline la incins, adaugam carnea, asezonam cu sare si piper; intr-o tigaie separat punem restul de ulei de masline si adaugam pe rand ceapa, dupa 2-3 minute morcovul si telina, cand sunt calite bine le daugam peste carne. In aproximativ 10 minute adaugam vinul. Reducem pana ce alcoolul se evapora. Decojim rosiile si le tocam in cubulete mici apoi le adaugam peste sos impreuna cu o lingura de pasta de tomate. Lasam sosul pe foc mic amestecand din cand in cand. Incepem sosul bechamel, punem untul la topit intr-o tigaie, la foc mic, separat amestecam faina cu laptele si putina sare, cand untul s-a topit adaugam laptele cu faina si amestecam pana cand avem consistenta de smantana, daca iese prea tare mai adaugati lapte.
Montam lasagna: punem in tava un strat de sos, apoi un strat de placi de lasagna, le ungem cu sos bechamel dupa care punem sos, si tot asa pana la ultimul strat cand punem sosul beshamel si apoi mozzarela rasa din belsug. Punem compozitia la racit, preferabil 4-6 ore (sfatul meu este sa o faceti dimineata pentru cina!). Incingem cuptorul la maxim apoi reducem temperatura la 180 grade si introgucem tava pentru 15-20 minute. Pofta buna!
A recipe that I often impressed guests with, is the recipe that I was asked most often about, and which, if you follow the recipe you will make "the best lasagna, better than ...Jamie's "... at least that is what my daughter says ...
- 300 g lasagna;
- 500-600 g minced veal;
- 4 ripe tomatoes;
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste;
- 1 glass of wine;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- An onion;
- 1/2 carrot;
- 1/4 celery;
- Fresh basil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- 60 ml olive oil;
- 50g butter;
- 1 tablespoon flour;
- 250 ml milk;- 100-150 g mozzarella;
First prepare the ingredients: give a little celery and grated carrot, cut onion, mince garlic. Put 30 ml of olive oil to hot, add meat, seasoned with salt and pepper in a separate pan put the remaining olive oil and add the onion,carrot and celery, when they are well tempered add over meat.In about 10 minutes add the wine. Reduce until the alcohol evaporates. Peel tomatoes and cut them in small cubes then add in the sauce with a table spoon of tomato paste. Let the sauce over low heat stirring occasionally. Begin bechamel sauce, put melted butter in a pan on low heat, mix the flour with milk and salt, when butter has melted add milk and flour and mix until consistency of cream there, if out too much add more milk .
Assemble lasagna: put a layer of sauce in pan, then a layer of lasagna sheets, brush them with bechamel sauce and then put the sauce, and so on until the last layer you put sauce and then mozzarella beshamel breed in abundance. Put mixture to cool, preferably 4-6 hours (my advice is to do in the morning for dinner!). Preheat oven to maximum temperature, then reduce to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes keep the tray in the oven. Bon appetite!
- 300 g lasagna;
- 500-600 g minced veal;
- 4 ripe tomatoes;
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste;
- 1 glass of wine;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- An onion;
- 1/2 carrot;
- 1/4 celery;
- Fresh basil;
- Sea salt;
- Freshly ground pepper;
- 60 ml olive oil;
- 50g butter;
- 1 tablespoon flour;
- 250 ml milk;- 100-150 g mozzarella;
First prepare the ingredients: give a little celery and grated carrot, cut onion, mince garlic. Put 30 ml of olive oil to hot, add meat, seasoned with salt and pepper in a separate pan put the remaining olive oil and add the onion,carrot and celery, when they are well tempered add over meat.In about 10 minutes add the wine. Reduce until the alcohol evaporates. Peel tomatoes and cut them in small cubes then add in the sauce with a table spoon of tomato paste. Let the sauce over low heat stirring occasionally. Begin bechamel sauce, put melted butter in a pan on low heat, mix the flour with milk and salt, when butter has melted add milk and flour and mix until consistency of cream there, if out too much add more milk .
Assemble lasagna: put a layer of sauce in pan, then a layer of lasagna sheets, brush them with bechamel sauce and then put the sauce, and so on until the last layer you put sauce and then mozzarella beshamel breed in abundance. Put mixture to cool, preferably 4-6 hours (my advice is to do in the morning for dinner!). Preheat oven to maximum temperature, then reduce to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes keep the tray in the oven. Bon appetite!