
duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

Gaufre de liege

Un mic dejun de vacanta, ceva ce poti face in diminetile placute, cand nu te grabesti sa pleci de acasa. Cu siguranta copii, dar nu numai, vor aprecia efortul. Formele se gasesc in supermaketuri!

Gaufre de liege


- 120g unt;
- 6 linguri de zahar;
- 1 praf de copt;
- 3 oua;
- 250g faina;
- 200 ml lapte;
- esenta de vanilie;
- un varf de sare;

Amestecati intr-un bol ouale cu zaharul, sarea si vanilia, adaugati treptat faina, praful de copt si laptele. Se formeaza o coca de consistenta unei smatane groase. Lasati coca sa dospeasca 10-15 minute.
Incingeti forma foarte bine si plasati coca in mijlocul ei, lasati sa se faca 3-4 minute(in acest timp nu ridicati capacul!). Gouffrele sunt gata!!
Serviti cu ciocolata, miere sau simple!
Pofta buna!!!

A holiday breakfast, certainly children, but not only, will appreciate the effort. Forms are available in supermarkets!

Gaufre of liege


- 120g butter;
- 6 tablespoons sugar;
- 1 baking powder;
- 3 eggs;
- 250g flour;
- 200 ml milk;
- Vanilla;
- A pinch of salt;

Whisk eggs in a bowl with the sugar, salt and vanilla, gradually add flour, baking powder and milk. It forms a dough consistency of thick sour cream. Leave the dough to rise, 10-15 minutes.
Heat the form well and place dough in the middle of it, let it take 3-4 minutes (do not lift the lid during this time!). Gouffrele ready!
Serve with chocolate, honey or simple!
Bon appetite!

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