
vineri, 21 septembrie 2012

Tochitura "Burebista"

Astazi vom face o, reteta usoara, de fapt nu este usoara este foarte usoara:)), cu ingrediente putine si foarte ieftina, ce vreti mai mult sa ne apucam de treaba nu?
Am uitat sa va spun ca aceasta reteta face parte din culegerile mele de prin restaurante, mai exact de la restaurantul "Burebista", cu multi ani in urma am mancat si totodata am incercat sa recreez dupa gust, si eu zic ca am reusi!

Tochitura Burebista


- piept de pui, 400 g;
- smantana 400 g;
- usturoi 3-4 catei;
- faina o lingura;
- supa de pui 100 ml;
- unt 30 g;
- ulei 30 ml;
- sare si piper;
- patrunjel;

Taiem pieptul de pui cubulete si il asezonam. Punem la incins uleiul amestecat cu untul si prajim puiul. Adaugam supa de pui si apoi usturoiul pisat. Fierbem pana ce puiul este facut. Amestecam smantana cu o lingura de faina si turnam peste pui. Mai tinem pe foc 4-5 minute si adaugam patrunjelul.
Serviti cu mamaliga! Pofta buna!

Today we make easy, recipe, it really is not easy is very easy :)) with few ingredients and very cheap!
I forgot to tell you that this recipe is part of my collections from restaurants, specifically the restaurant "Burebista" many years ago I ate and also tried to recreate the taste, and I think I succeed!

Tochitura Burebista


- 400 g, chicken breast;
- Cream 400 g;
- 3-4 cloves garlic;
- One tablespoon flour;
- 100 ml chicken stock;
- Butter 30 g;
- Oil 30 ml;
- Salt and pepper;
- Parsley;

Cut, chicken, into cubes and season it. Put in hot oil and fry chicken mixed with butter. Then add chicken broth and garlic. Cook until chicken is done. Mix sour cream with a tablespoon of flour and pour over chicken. May we take the heat for 4-5 minutes and add the parsley.
Serve with polenta! Bon appetite!

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