
luni, 25 iunie 2012

Pancakes with fresh strawberries

Nu aveti cum sa nu iubiti acest mic dejun delicios si daca voi nu, atunci copii cu siguranta!

Clatite americane cu capsuni 


- 1 cana de lapte;
- 1 cana de faina;
- 1 ou;
- un varf de sare;
- 30g unt;
- 1 zahar vanilat;
- praf de copt;

In primul rand topiti untul, mixati toate ingredientele pana ce aveti consistenta unui iaurt de baut. Incingeti bine o tigaie nonabraziva, puneti in mijloc o jumatate de polonic de aluat si lasati-l sa se formeze. In momentul cand apar bule de aer in coca intoarceti cu grija clatita(chiar daca pare nefacuta). Mai lasati 1 minut si verificati, daca este aurie este gata!!
Serviti cu: sos de ciocolata, miere, dulceata, piure de fructe proaspete sau fructe! Pofta buna!

There you can not help but love this delicious breakfast and if you do not, then the children are!

American "pancakes" with strawberries


- 1 cup milk;
- 1 cup flour;
- 1 egg;
- A pinch of salt;
- 30g butter;
- 1 vanilla sugar;
- Baking soda;

First melt the butter, mix all ingredients until you have the consistency of yogurt. Heat a nonabrasive pan, put in the middle half a ladle of batter and let it develop. By the time air bubbles in the dough carefully turn pancake (even if it seems not made). Leave a one minute and check, if gold is ready!
Serve with: chocolate sauce, honey, jam, fruit puree or fresh fruit! Bon appetite!

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