
joi, 7 iunie 2012

Salata Nicoise cu file de ton

O reteta "french cusine" sofisticata, light si placuta ochilor, este foarte buna pentru o cina de vara!

"Salata Nicoise" cu file de ton


- file de ton;
- cartofi rosii de dimensiuni mici;
- rosii cherry;
- busuioc;
- fasole verde;
- file de anchoa;
- ceapa rosie;
- masline negre;
- salata iceberg;
- ou;
- ulei de masline,
- lamaie;
- sare de mare;
- piper;
- otet balsamic;

Incepem prin pregatirea ingredientelor, fierbem cartofii fie intregi fie taiati in doua, fierbem de asemeni si fasolea verde. Rosiile cherry le taiem in doua si le punem intr-un bol cu busuioc si ulei de masline. Taiem ceapa rondele. Fierbem oul timp de 3 minute. Taiem salata iceberg. Facem vinegreta din zeama de lamaie, ulei de masline, sare piper, o lingura de maioneza si 2-3 linguri de apa.
Montam salata astfel : pregatim un pat de salata iceberg pe care il stopim cu vinegreta, in jurul salatei punem pe rand, cartofii, fasolea verde, ceapa, maslinele, rosiile cherry, anchoa si oul, cand este totul pregatit ne apucam de ton. Intr-o tigaie punem putin ulei de masline la incins, asezonam tonul cu sare si piper si il punem in tigaie, un minut pe o parte dupa care il intoarcem pe cealalta parte si il stopim cu putin otet balsamic si lasam de asemeni un minut pe cealalta parte.. Il scoatem pe un tocator si il taiem in doua dupa care il asezam peste patul de salata. Stopim cu vivegreta! Pofta buna

A recipe "french cusine" sophisticated, light and pleasant eyes, is very good for a summer dinner!

Nicoise salad with tuna fillet


- Fillet of tuna;

- Small red potatoes;

- Cherry tomatoes;

- Basil;

- Green beans;

- Anchoa fillet;

- Red onion;

- Black olives;

- Iceberg lettuce;

- Egg;

- Olive oil

- Lemon;

- Sea salt;

- Pepper;

- Balsamic vinegar;

We begin by preparing ingredients, boil the potatoes whole or cut in half, and also boil the beans. Cherry tomatoes, cut them in half and put them in a bowl with basil and olive oil. Cut onion rings. Boil egg for 3 minutes. Cut iceberg lettuce. Make vinaigrette of lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and 2-3 tablespoons of water.

Assemble the salad as follows: prepare a bed of iceberg lettuce add vinaigrette around the salad put in place, potatoes, green beans, onions, olives, cherry tomatoes, egg and anchoa, when finish all, start the tuna. In a pan put a little olive oil to hot, seasoned tuna with salt and pepper and put it in the pan, one minute on one side then turn it over put a little balsamic vinegar and let also a minute on the other side. Take out on a cutting board and cut it in two and then place it over the bed of lettuce. Add vinaigrette

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