
marți, 9 octombrie 2012

Coaste de porc la gratar

 Cui nu-i plac coastele de porc la gratar, mai ales daca sunt marinate in prealabil si bine perpelite la jar! Va zic eu ca chiar si cei mai pretentiosi si sofisticati dintre voi ar manca niste coaste bine facute!! Ce mai haideti sa facem niste, coaste de porc la gratar!

Coaste de porc la gratar


- coaste de porc tanar;
- 1 lingurita mustar frantuzesc;
- 2 linguri sos de soia;
- sare;
- piper;
- cimbru;
- 2 catei de usturoi;

Amestecati toate ingredientele: mustar, soia, sare, piper, usturoi si cimbru si frecati bine coastele cu marinata. Lasati la frigider cel putin 6 ore. Pregatiti jarul si puneti coastele la inceput cu partea de os in jos dupa care intorceti-le de cate ori este nevoie!
Serviti cu cartofi taranesti sau prajiti si castraveti murati!
Pofta buna!

Who does not like grilled pork ribs, especially if well marinated beforehand and fry on grill! I will say that even the most discerning and sophisticated of you would eat some ribs well done! Well let's make some, grilled pork ribs!

Pork ribs


- Young pork ribs;
- 1 teaspoon French mustard;
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
- Salt;
- Pepper;
- Thyme;
- 2 cloves of garlic;

Mix all ingredients: mustard, soy, salt, pepper, garlic and thyme and rub the ribs with the marinade well. Leave in the refrigerator at least 6 hours. Prepare coals and place the ribs bone down to began then turn around whenever you need!
Serve with potatoe fries and pickles!
Bon appetite!

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