
joi, 11 octombrie 2012

Fasole cu ciolan afumat si tarhon

Nu vreau sa reiventez nimic, vreau doar sa va spun varianta mea de, fasole cu ciolan, un "fusion" de retete moldoveneasca si ardeleneasca cu rezultat pe masura! Dar haideti sa nu mai pierdem timpul cu vorbaria si sa trecem la gatit!!

Fasole cu ciolan afumat si tarhon


- 1 ciolan afumat;
- 500 g fasole uscata;
- 2 morcovi;
- 2 cepe;
- 1 ardei;
- 50 ml ulei de floarea soarelui;
- 2 linguri de pasta de tomate;
- 1/2 legatura de tarhon;
- patrunjel;
- sare;
- piper;

In primul rand puneti fasolea in suficienta apa si lasati sa se inmoaie peste noapte(minim 12 ore).
Puneti fasolea la fiert intr-o oala sub presiune (dar nu puneti inca capacul), schimbati apa de trei ori(aveti grija ca de fiecare data cand inlocuiti apa sa fie fierbinte). In ultima apa puneti o ceapa si un morcov, sare si piper si puneti capacul. Fierbeti 20 minute si verificati!
Intr-o alta oala subpresiune puneti ciolanul la fiert impreuna cu sare si boabe de piper. Fierbeti o ora!
Cand toate ingredientele sunt pregatite incepem mancarea propriuzisa.
Radem morcovul pe razatoarea mica, tocam ceapa si ardeiul marunt le punem la calit in 50 ml de ulei. Cand acestea s-au calit adaugam 3-4 cani de supa in care a fiert ciolanul mai fierbem cateva minute si apoi adaugam fasolea scursa in prealabil. Asezonam cu sare, piper si tarhon si adaugam ciolanul dezosat. La final punem pasta de tomate, si mai fierbem 5 minute. Introducem cratita in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade pentru 15-20 minute.
Serviti in paine de casa(sau pave) cu patrunjel proaspat presarat deasupra! Pofta buna!

 I just want to tell you my version of, beans with pork, a "fusion" of Moldavian and Transylvanian recipes, and the result is ... you judge! But let's not waste time with twaddle and get cooking!

Beans with smoked pig leg and tarragon


- 1 smoked knuckle;
- 500 g dried beans;
- 2 carrots;
- 2 onions;
- 1 pepper;
- 50 ml sunflower oil;
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
- 1/2 bunch tarragon;
- Parsley;
- Salt;
- Pepper;

First put the beans in enough water and let it soak overnight (minimum 12 hours).
Put the cooked beans in a pressure cooker (but not yet put the lid), change the water three times (make sure that every time you replace the water is hot). The last water put an onion and a carrot, salt and pepper and put the lid. Boil 20 minutes and check!
In another pot put underpressure knuckle to boil with salt and pepper. Boil one hour!
When all the ingredients are ready start the cooking part.
Laugh grated carrot on small chop onions and peppers put them to cook in 50 ml of oil. When they were hardened add 3-4 cups of broth that has boiled knuckle simmer a few minutes and then add the drained beans in advance. Season with salt, pepper and tarragon and add boneless knuckle. Finally put tomato paste and simmer 5 minutes. We introduce the pan in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
Serve in homemade bread (or pave) with fresh parsley sprinkled on top! Bon appetite!

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